Biofarmasi 1
001, 002 | Peresepan Untuk Ibu Hamil Ed.2 | Peter Rubin | Hipokrates | 2000 |
003, 004, 005 | Konsep Dasar Farmakolgi Ed.3 | Janet L.Stringer | EGC | 2008 |
006, 007, 008 | Pengantar Farmakologi Molekuler | Zullies Ikawati | UGM Press | 2004 |
009, 010, 011 | Penggolongan Obat | Moh.Anief | UGM Press | 2007 |
012, 013, 014 | Farmakologi & Toksikologi Ed.3 | Gery Schmitz | EGC | 2009 |
015, 016, 017 | Kumpulan Kuliah Farmakologi Ed.22 | Tim FK-UH | EGC | 2009 |
018, 019, 020 | Farmakologi Dasar dan Klinik | Bertram G.Katzung | Salemba Medika | 2004 |
021, 022 | Anatomi & Fisiologi 2,Kelenjar Endo & Persarafan | Cambridge Communication Limited | EGC | 1998 |
023, 024 | Anatomi & Fisiologi 3,Lokomotor & Indera | Cambridge Communication Limited | EGC | 1998 |
025, 026 | Anatomi & Fisiologi 5,Sist.Kemih & Pencernaan | Cambridge Communication Limited | EGC | 1998 |
027, 028 | Anatomi & Fisiologi 4, Respirasi & Kardiovascular | Cambridge Communication Limited | EGC | 1998 |
029, 030 | Fungsi Sistem Tubuh Manusia,Syaifuddin (HVS) | Drs.H.Syaifuddin,BAE | Widya Medika | 2002 |
031, 032 | Anatomi & Fisiologi 1,Tbh Manusia & Reproduksi | Cambridge Communication Limited | EGC | 1998 |
033, 034 | Anatomi & Fisiologi Tbh.Manusia Latihan & Pand Bljr | Paul D.Anderson | EGC | 2004 |
035, 036 | Anatomi & Fisiologi Untuk Pemula-HVS | Ethel Sloane | EGC | 2004 |
037, 038 | Atlas Berwarna & Teks Fisiologi | Dr.Yurita Handojo | Hipokrates | 2000 |
039, 040 | Buku Saku Pedoman Obat Dalam Keperawatan Psikiatri | Mary S.Townsend | EGC | 2004 |
041, | Pedoman Obat Untuk Perawat | Indith Hopler Deglin | EGC | 2005 |
042, 043 | Pedoman Obat Buku Saku Bidan | Claire Bamster | EGC | 2007 |
044, 045, 046 | Apa Yang Perlu Diketahui Tentang Obat | Moh.Anief | UGM Press | 2007 |
047, 048 | Teknik Dasar Pemberian Obat Bagi Perawat | Robert Prihardjo | EGC | 1995 |
049, 050 | Pedoman Obat Pediatrik + Implikasi Keperawatan | Ruth Mc Gillis Bindler | EGC | 2007 |
051, 052 | Buku Saku Penuntun Imunisasi Dasar | Yuliasti Eka Purnamaningrum | Fitramaya | 2009 |
053, 054 | Perjalanan & Nasib Obat Dalam Badan | Moh.Anief | UGM Press | 2007 |
055, 056 | Buku Saku Patofisiologi (HVS) | Elisabeth J.Corwin | EGC | 2009 |
057, 058 | Fisika Tubuh Manusia Ed.2 | John R.Cameron | EGC | 1999 |
059, 060 | Fisiologi Manusia Dari Sel Ke Sistem (HVS) | Laura Sherwood | EGC | 2001 |
061, 062 | Buku Ajar Fisiologi Kedokteran,Ed.11 (HVS) | Guyton & Hall | EGC | 2008 |
063, 064 | Fisiologi Manusia & Mekanisme Penyakit | Guyton | EGC | 1996 |
065, 066 | Buku Ajar Fisiologi Kedokteran,Ganong Ed.22 | W.F Ganong | EGC | 2008 |
067, 068 | Kapita Selekta Patologi Klinik | DN Baron | EGC | 1995 |
069, 070, 071, 072 | Patofisiologi Ed.6 (2 SET) (HVS) | Sylvia A.Price | EGC | 2006 |
073, | Buku Ajar Patologi eds. 7 Vol. 2 | Robbins | EGC | 2004 |
074, | Buku Ajar Patologi eds. 7 Vol. 1 | Robbins | EGC | 2004 |
075, | Kapita Selekta Hematplogi | Hoffbrand A.V.Hoffbrand | EGC | 2005 |
076, | Patologi Umum & Sistematik 1 Ed.2 | J.C.E.Underwood | EGC | 1999 |
077, | Patologi Umum & Sistematik 2 Ed.2 | J.C.E.Underwood | EGC | 2000 |
078, 079, 080 | Imunologi Dasar,Ed.8 | Karnen | FKUI | 2009 |
081, 082, 083 | Farmakologi Ulasan Bergambar Ed.2 | Mary J.Mycek | Widya Medika | 2001 |
084, 085, 086 | At a Glance Farmakologi Medis | M.J.Neal | Erlangga | 2005 |
087, 088, 089 | Sinopsis Farmakologi | Dr.Agus Djamhuri | Hipokrates | 1995 |
090, 091 | Farmakolgi Dsr & Klinik,Katzung 1 | Bertram G.Katzung | Salemba Medika | 2001 |
092, 093, 094 | Dasar Farmakologi Terapi Vol.1 | Goodman & Gilman | EGC | 2008 |
095, 096, 097 | Dasar Farmakologi Terapi Vol.2 | Goodman & Gilman | EGC | 2008 |
098, 099, 100 | Farmakologi Dsr & Klinik,Katzung II | Bertram G.Katzung | Salemba Medika | 2002 |
101, 102, 103 | Belajar Mudah Farmakologi Metode FKUI | Priyanto | Widya Medika | 2007 |
104, 105, 106 | Med-Math Perhitungan.Prep & Pemberian Obat | Grece Henke | EGC | 2008 |
107, 108 | Menopause & Andropause | YBP-SP | YBP-SP | 2003 |
109, 110 | Hematologi eds. 4 | A.V. Hoffbrand, dkk | EGC | 2002 |
111 | Teks & Atlas Berwarna Patofisiologi | Stetan Silbernag | EGC | 2002 |
112, 113, 114 | Farmakologi & Terapi Pediatri | Ingebord C.Radde | Hipokrates | 1999 |
115 | Gray’s Anatomy | Henry Gray, F.R.S. | Running Press Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | 1974 |
116 | Pharmacotherapy Handbook, 2nd Edition | Barbara G. Wells, PharmaD, dkk | Appleton & Lange | 2000 |
117 | Farmakologi Dsr & Klinik,Katzung | Bertram G.Katzung | EGC | 1998 |
118 | Japan Pharmaceutical Refernce Edisi 15 | Pharmaceutical and medical safety | Japan Medical Product International Trade Association | 1999 |
119 | Farmakologi dan TerapiEd.6 | Sulistia Gan | Bagian farmakologi Fakultas kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta | 1980 |
120, 121, 122 | Farmakologi dan Terapi. Eds 5 | Sulistia Gan | Dept. Farmakologi & Terapeutik FK UI | 2007 |
123, 124 | Antiinflamasi Topikal Pada Dermatitis Bayi & Anak | Dr.Hendra Utama,SP.FK | FKUI | 2006 |
125, 126 | Penatalaksanaan Penyakit Alergi | Dr.dr.Dina H.Mahdi | Airlangga Univ.Press | 1993 |
127, 128 | Sistem Imun,Imunisasi & Penyakit Imun | Prof.A.Samik Wahab | Widya Mrdika | 2002 |
129 | Biopharmaceutics and Relevant Pharmacokinetics | John G. Wagner, Phm.B,B.S.P,B.A | Drug Intelligence Publication,Inc Hamilton | |
130, | Principles and Methods of Toxicology | A Wallace Hayes, Ph.D | Raven Press, New York | 1982 |
131 | Non-prescription Medicines Thirdh Edition | Alan Nathan | Pharmaceutical Press | 2007 |
132, | Hanbook Of Antibiotics | Richard E. Reese, M.D. | Lippincont Williams & Wilkins. | 2000 |
133, | Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokonetics in Introduction | Robert E. Notan | Marcell Dekker,Inc New York | 1971 |
134, | Handbook of Basic Pharmacokonetics | W.A. Ritschel | Drug Intelligence Publication,Inc Hamilton | |
135, | Product monograph, peflacine | Rhone poulenc | ||
136, | Elements of Pharmacology | P.J. Bentley | Camridge University Press | 1981 |
137, | Kamus Istilah anatomi dan Zoologi | DR. Garnadi prawirogludirdjo | Bhratara | 1969 |
138 | Anatomy and Physiology.Vol 2 | Edwin B. Steen, Ph.D | Barnes & Noble Books | 1959 |
Ashley Montagu, Ph.D | ||||
139 | Toksikologi Dasar.Edisi 2 | Imono Agro Donatus | Bagian Farmakologi & Farmasi Klinik FF UGM | 2005 |
140 | Vademecum | Biofarma | Biofarma | 2006 |
141 | Seri Farmakologi Klinik Pedoman Pelaksanaan Uji Klinik | Tim Farmakologi Klinik | Unit Farmakologi Klinik RSCM FK-UI | 1985 |
142 | Forensic Medicine | Douglas J. A. Ker | Adam dan Charles Black 4,5, & 6 Soho Square London | 1957 |
143 | IIMS, vol. 23 | IIMS | ||
144 | IIMS, Vol. 21 | IIMS | ||
145 | Immunologic Fundamentals | Nancy J.Bigley, Ph.D | Year Book Medical Publishers Inc.London | 1975 |
146 | Core text of neuroanatomy second edition | Malcolm B Carpenter | The Williams and wilkins company | 1978 |
147 | New Drugs | F.J.L. Blasingame.M.D | American Medical Association | 1966 |
148 | Kedaruratan Medik | Purwadianto Agus | Binarupa Aksara | 1979 |
149 | Pschyrembel Klinisches Worterbuch | Prof. Dr. Med | Walter de gruyter. Berlin, New York | 1977 |
Dr. Phil | ||||
150 | New Drugs | F.J.L. Blasingame.M.D | American Medical Association | 1966 |
151, 152 | Kamus,Saku Kedok.DORLAND Ed.25 (HVS) | Diah Nuswantari | EGC | 1998 |
153 | Kamus Saku Mosby Ed.4 | Dr.Anna P.Bani | EGC | 2009 |
154, 155 | Kamus Kedokteran DORLAND (HVS) | Dr.Hariawati Hartanto | EGC | 2002 |
156, 157 | Kamus Ringkas Kedok.Stedman Ed.4 | John H.Direks | EGC | 2005 |
158 | Goodman and Gilman’s the Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, eighth edition | Alfred Goodman | Pergamon Press | 1990 |
159 | Hanbook Of Basic Pharmacokinetics | W.A. Ritschel | Drug Intelligence Publication,Inc | 1980 |
160 | Buku Ajar Ilmu Kesehatan Telinga, Hidung, Tenggorok, Kepala, Leher. Edisi Ke-5 | Dr. H. Efiaty Aryad Soepardi, Sp.THT. | Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia | 2003 |
Prof. Dr. H. Nurbaiti Iskandar, sp. THT | ||||
161, 162 | Buku Saku Diagnosis & Terapi | Peter & Hayes | EGC | 1997 |
163 | Textbook of Medical Physiology | Arthur C. Guyton, M.D | WB Saunders Company | 1961 |
164 | Year Book of Drug Therapy (1961 – 1962 Series) | Harry Beckman, M.D | Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc | 1962 |
165, 166, 167 | Fundamentals of Molecular Diagnostics | David E. Bruns | Saunders, an Imprint of Elsevier Inc | 2007 |
Edward R. Ashwood | ||||
Carl A. Burtis | ||||
168, | Textbook Of Medical Physiology | Guyton | ||
169 | Parasitology, The Biology of Animal parasites, Edisi 4 | Elmer, Glenn | Lea & febiger. Philadelpia | 1976 |
170 | Risalah Temu Ilmiah Nasional Bidang Farmakologi dan Farmasi Klinik | Bidang farmakologi dan farmasi Klinik UGM | Bagian Farmakologi dan Farmasi Klinik, UGM | 2007 |
171 | The Physicians’ and Pharmacists’ Guide to Your Medicines | USA pharmacopeial Convention | 1981 | |
172 | Patofisiologi. Konsep Klinis Proses-proses Penyakit. Edisi 6 | Sylvia Anderson | Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC | 2003 |
Price, R N, Ph.D | ||||
Lorraine M. Wilson | ||||
173 | Drugs Used in Parasitic Diseas. Second Edition | WHO Model Prescribing Information | WHO Geneva | 1995 |
174 | Katalog Kedokteran Umum | EGC | Penerbit Buku Kedokteran | |
175, 176, 177 | Belajar Mudah Farmakologi,(HVS) | James Olson | EGC | 2004 |
178, 179 | Applied Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics. Fifth Edition | Leon Shargel, Su Sanna Wu- Pong | Mc Graw Hill Education | 2005 |
180 | Fortran : A Structured, Disciplined Style | Gordon B. Davis | University of Minnesota | 1978 |
Thomas R. Hoffman | ||||
181, 182 | Goodman and Gilman’s the Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics | Alfred Goodman | Pergamon Press | |
Gilman | ||||
183, 184, 185, 186 | Fisiologi Reproduksi Pada Mamalia dan Unggas | A.V.Nall Bendov | UI Press | 1990 |
187, 188, 189 | Mengenal Obat2 Scr Mudah & Aplikasi Dalam Perawatan | AY Sutedjo | Amara Books | 2008 |
190 | Ludah dan Kelenjar Ludah | A Van Nieum Amerogan | GaJah Mada University Press | 1988 |
191, 192 | Pemakaian Glukokortikoid Pada Pengobatan | Dr.dr.Maya Devita Lokanata | EGC | 2006 |
193 | Handbook Of Applied The Rapeutics | Mary Anne Kodda-Kimble, PharmD | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 2002 |
Ilyod Yee Young, PharmD | ||||
Wayne A.Kordjan, PharmD | ||||
B. Joseph Guglielmo, PharmD | ||||
194 | Mutagenicity New Horizons in Genetic Toxicology | John A. Heddle | Academic Press | 1982 |
195 | Pengantar Farmakologi Molekuler | Zullies Ikawati | UGM Press | 2008 |
196 | Penuntun Anamnesis & Pemeriksaan Fisis | H.M.S. Markum | Fakultas Kedokteran UI | 2005 |
197 | Pharmakologie und toxicologie | Herausgegeben von W. forth | Bibliographisches Institut Mannheim / wein / Ziirich | 1977 |
D. Henschier, W. Rummel | ||||
198 | Imunologi III | Joseph A. Bellanti | Gadjah Mada University Press | 1993 |
199 | Cell Biology A Moleculer Approach | Robert D. Dyson | Oregon State University of Arizona | 1974 |
200, 201, 202, | Pengantar Metabolisme Obat | G. Gordon Gibson dan Paul Skett | UI Press | |
203 | Pedoman Pelayanan Farmasi (Tata Laksana Terapi Obat) Untuk Pasien Geriatri | Dirjen Pelayanan Kefarmasian dan Alat Kesehatan | Depkes RI | 2004 |
204, 205 | Year Book of Drug Therapy (1961 – 1962 Series) | Harry Beckman, M.D | Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc | 1962 |
206 | Drug used in skin disease | WHO Model Prescribing Information | ||
207 | Pocket Essential Of General Practice | ||| | Medical and Health Encyclopedia | Morris Fishbein, M.C | H.S. Stuttman Co.Inc | |
212, 213, 214 | Adverse Drug Reaction second edition | Anne Lee | Pharmaceutical press | 2001 |
215, 216 | Advance Antiviral Drug Design | E. DE CLERQ | Elsevier | 2007 |
217, | Pathologic Physiology | D. Alpern | Peace Publishers. Moscow | |
218-231, | Buku Pedoman Endodontik Klinik | Richard Bence | UI Press | 1990 |
232 | Dinamika Obat | Ernst Mutschler | Penerbit ITB Bandung | 1991 |
233 | Macrolide Antibiotics | Satoshi Omura | Academic Press | 2002 |
234 | Drugs From Discovery to Approval | Rick NG | Wilwy Blackwell | 2009 |
235 | Clinical Pharmacokinetics | Soraya Dhillon and Andrzej Kostrzewski | Pharmaceutical Press | 2006 |
236 | Clinical Pharmacokinetics | Soraya Dhillon and Andrzej Kostrzewski | Pharmaceutical Press | 2006 |
237 | Biologi Molekuler dan Sel | William D. Stansfield, Jaime S. Colome and Raul J. Cano | Penerbit Erlangga | 2006 |
238 | Cancer Pain Relief and Palliative Care in Children | WHO | WHO Geneva | 1998 |
239 | Imunologi. Edisi 8 | Ivan M. Roitt | Widya Medica | 1995 |
240 | A-Z Guide to Drug-Herb-Vitamin Interactions | Alan R. Gaby | Three Rivers Press | 2006 |
241 | Imunologi & Virologi | DR. Maksum Radji, M. Biomed | PT. ISFI Penerbitan | 2010 |
242, 243,244 | Rapid Review Pharmacology | Thomas L Pazdernik dan Laszlo Kerecsen | Mosby Elsevier | 2007 |
245, 246, 247, 248 | Pathology and Theraupetics for Pharmacists | Russell J Greene and Norman D Harris | Pharmaceutical Press | 2008 |
249 | Drug Ineraction Facts | David S. Tatro | Wolter Kluwer | 2009 |
250, 251 | Principles of Pharmacology : The Pathophysiologic Basis of Drug Therapy | David E. Golan, Armen H. Tashijian, Ehrin J. Amstrong and April W. Amstrong | Lippincont Williams & Wilkins | 2008 |
252 | Clinical Anatomy by Systems + CD | Richard S. Snell | Lippincont Williams & Wilkins | 2007 |
253 | Gray’s Atlas of Anatomy | Richard L. Drake, et al | Churchill Livingstone Elsevier | 2008 |
254 | Professional Guide to Signs & Symptoms 6th Ed. | Judith A. Schilling McCann et al | Wolter Kluwer, Lippincont Williams & Wilkins | 2011 |
255 | Dacie and Lewis Practical Haematology 10th Ed. | S M Lewis, B.J bain, I Bates | Churchill Livingstone Elsevier | 2006 |
256 | Pathophysiology The Biologic Basis for Disease I Adults and Children 6th Ed. | Kathryn L McCance | Mosby Elsevier | 2010 |
257 | Interpretation Pulmonary Function Tests A Practical Guide | Robert E Hyatt, et al | Wolter Kluwer, Lippincont Williams & Wilkins | 2009 |
258 | Hematology Clinical Principles and Applications 3rd Ed. | Bernadette F Rodak et al | Saunders, Elsevier | 2007 |
259 | An Introduction to Medical Terminology for Health Care – A Self Teaching Package | Andrew R. Hutton | Churchill Livingstone Elsevier | 2006 |
260 | Immunology and Haematology | Kitchen Griffin | Mosby Elsevier | 2007 |
261 | Williams Hematology 7th Ed. | Marshall A Lichtman et al | Mc Graw Hill Education | 2006 |
262 | Medical Genetics 3rd Ed. | Jorde Carey, Bamshad White | Mosby Elsevier | 2003 |
263 | Netter’s Essential Histology | William K Ovalle, Patrick C Nahirney | Saunders Elsevier | 2008 |
264 | General Systematic Pathology 5th Ed. | J.C.E.Underwood, S.S Cross | Churchill Livingstone Elsevier | 2009 |
265 | Cellular and Molecular Immunology 6th Ed. | Abul K. Abbas, et al | Saunders Elsevier | 2010 |
266 | Primary Care Medicine- Office Evaluation and management of The Adults Patients | Allan H. Goroll., Albert G Mulley | Wolter Kluwer, Lippincont Williams & Wilkins | 2009 |
267 | PreTest Anatomy Histology and Cell Bioloy 4th Ed. | Robert M. Klein., George C. Enders | Mc Graw Hill Education | 2010 |
268 | Pathology Secrets 3rd Ed. | Ivan Damjanov | Mosby Elsevier | 2009 |
269 | Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine 17th Ed. Vol 1 | Anthony S. Fauci, et al | Mc Graw Hill Education | 2008 |
270 | Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine 17th Ed. Vol 2 | Anthony S. Fauci, et al | Mc Graw Hill Education | 2009 |
271 | The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics 33rd Ed. | Corey Foster, et al | Wolter Kluwer, Lippincont Williams & Wilkins | 2010 |
272 | Junqueira’s Basic Histology Text & Atlas 12nd Ed. + CD | Anthony L. Mescher | Mc Graw Hill Education | 2010 |
273 | Basic Immunology Functions and Disorders of The Immune System | Abul K. Abbas, et al | Saunders Elsevier | 2011 |
274 | Case Files Pharmacology 2nd Ed | Eugene C. Toy., et al | Mc Graw Hill Education | 2008 |
275 | Hematology and Oncology Subspecialty Consult 2nd Ed. | Amanda F. Cashen., Tanya M. Wildes | Wolter Kluwer, Lippincont Williams & Wilkins | 2008 |
276 | Andreoli and Carpenters Cecil Essential of Medicine 8th Ed. | Thomas E. Andreoli., et al | Saunders Elsevier | 2010 |
277 | Embryology An Illustrated Colour Text 2nd Ed. | Barry Mitchell., Ram Sharma | Churchill Livingstone Elsevier | 2009 |
278 | The Renal System at A Glance 3rd Ed. | Chris O’Callaghan | Wiley-Blackwell | 2007 |
279 | Wheater’s Basic Pathology A Text Atlas and review of Histopahology 5th Ed. | Barbara Young, William Stewart, Geraldine O’Dowd | Churchill Livingstone Elsevier | 2011 |
280 | Pathophysiology of Disease An Introduction to Clinical Medicine | Stephen J McPhee, Gary D.Hammer | Mc Graw Hill Education | 2010 |
281 | Atlas of Human Anatomy 5th Ed. | Frank H. Netter | Saunders Elsevier | 2011 |
282 | Gary’s Anatomy for Students 2nd Ed. | Richard L. Drake, et al | Churchill Livingstone Elsevier | 2010 |
283 | Immunology 7th Ed. | David Male, et al | Mosby Elsevier | 2008 |
284 | Robbins and Cotran: Pathologic Basis of Disease 8th Ed. | Vinay Kumar, et al | Saunders Elsevier | 2010 |
285 | Taylor’s 10-Minute Diagnosis Manual 2nd Ed. | Paul M. Paulman et al | Lippincont Williams & Wilkins | 2007 |
286 | Handbook of Hypertension | Mark C. Houston | Wiley-Blackwell | 2009 |
287 | Hot Topics Infectious Diseases | Vincent Lo Re III | Hanley & Belfus Inc. | 2004 |