Capaian Pembelajaran
- Mampu mengidentifikasi dan menyelesaikan masalah terkait obat menggunakan pendekatan berbasis bukti dalam perancangan, pembuatan/penyiapan, pendistribusian, pengelolaan dan/atau pelayanan sediaan farmasi untuk mengoptimalkan keberhasilan terapi.
- Mempu menelusur, menganalisis secara kritis, mengorganisasikan informasi tentang sediaan farmasi dan mengkomunikasikan secara efektif pada individu dan masyarakat.
- Mampu melakukan pekerjaan kefarmasian disupervisi oleh apoteker secara bertanggung jawab sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan dan kode etik yang berlaku.
- Menguasai teori, metode, aplikasi ilmu dan teknologi farmasi (farmasetika, kimia farmasi, farmakognosi, farmakologi), konsep dan aplikasi ilmu biomedik (biologi, anatomi manusia, mikrobiologi, fisiologi, patofisiologi, etik biomedik, biostatistik, biokimia), konsep farmakoterapi, pharmaceutical care, pharmacy practice, serta prinsip pharmaceutical calculation, farmakoepidemiologi, pengobatan berbasis bukti dan farmakoekonomi.
- Menguasai pengetahuan tentang manajemen farmasi, sosio-farmasi, hukum dan etik farmasi, teknik komunikasi, serta prinsip dasar keselamatan kerja.
- Mampu mengelola pekerjaan kefarmasian secara mandiri disupervisi apoteker, memimpin dan mengelola pekerjaan kelompok serta bertanggung jawab atas pencapaian hasil kerja kelompok.
- Mampu berkomunikasi dan berkolaborasi dengan masyarakat akademik.
- Mampu menganalisis secara kritis masalah kefarmasian, menyusun informasi/ide/laporan/pemikiran dan secara efektif mengkomunikasikannya dalam berbagai bentuk media, kepada sejawat tenaga kesehatan lain dan masyarakat umum.
- Mampu mengevaluasi diri dan mengelola pembelajaran diri sendiri dalam upaya meningkatkan kemampuan pekerjaan tekni kefarmasian.
Knowledge/ Understanding
- Integrate the basic concepts of natural and biomedical sciences as foundations of pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacy practice
- Distinguish types of pharmaceutical dosage forms and recognize their potential problems and solution in order to optimize their therapeutic effects
- Explain the concepts of drug therapeutic effects and contributing factors to provide information in community as part of pharmaceutical service
- Employ the theoretical and mathematical concepts of drugs, drug kinetics and mechanisms, and the relationship between drug physico-chemistry characteristics and their biological activities
- Choose appropriate procedures to perform, develop and/or validate methods of analysis of active compounds or crude drugs from synthetic or natural sources
- Apply logical/critical thinking to analyse, develop, implement and disseminate information from legitimate source to find a solution to a problem
- Construct scientific writing based on academic rules and ethics
- Choose a decision based on legal practice, professional conduct and ethics to solve problems related to their competence
- Develop interpersonal relation with teamwork and be adaptive to dynamic culture and environment
- Conduct well-designed research related to pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences
- Apply concepts of pharmaceutical sciences and technologies in designing, formulating and/or developing safe, effective, stable and high quality pharmaceutical products
- Explore potential therapy based on ethno-medicine and research data from Indonesia natural resources
- Develop inventive and innovative idea based on science and technology to create and develop business or job