[:en]Student for Student Conference[:]
[:en]Student for student conference is an event organised by Universitas Hasanuddin (Indonesia) and James Cook University (Australia).
Information for Authors
Instruction for abstract preparation for ORAL presentation (please see abstract template here):
The abstract should be written in English and should not contain references or footnotes. None abbreviation are allowed in abstract, both in title and abstract body. The abstract is structured as follows:
Title of abstract:
- Title (typically maximum 15 words long) should accurately highlight the core content of the presentation.
- Title should be written in sentence case, bold, Times New Roman, 12-point font size and centered.
- Abbreviation must not be used in the title.
- Do NOT use capital letters in the title except for words that are always capitalized.
Author’s names:
- The presenting author is underlined; superscript numbers following each name will indicate institution / affiliation. Do NOT include degrees or professional titles (e.g. Dr, Prof. etc.).
- Authors’ section must be left aligned, Times New Roman, 12-point font size.
- The email address for the corresponding author must also be provided.
Abstract body (maximum 250 words).
The abstract should provide an accurate summary of the research.
- Abstract text must be written in Times New Roman, 12-point font size, single-spaced, left and right justified.
- The body of the abstract should cover the background, objective(s), method(s), result(s), and conclusion and in a single paragraph
Keywords of research
Specify 3-5 keywords relevant to the abstract content.
Abstract Submission Guidelines
- To submit an abstract, author must first register through this link. The whole submission process is fully done online (NOT by email) to guarantee smooth administration. However, if you need assistance to register, please do not hesitate to contact us …..
- Abstracts that are not written according to the format provided will be returned to the authors for re-submission.
- The detail of the program, including the zoom link and oral presentation schedule, will be sent by email once the abstract is accepted.
- The presenters whose abstracts have been accepted for Oral presentation must send the presentation file by 30 March 2021 by email (……………….) to allow presentation set-up by the technical committee.
- Please note that individual requests for specific presentation times might be difficult to address due to limited time allocated for oral presentation. Oral presentations cannot exceed 10 min (in order to allow 2 min for questions).
Information for participants
Anyone is welcomed to attend the conference (free of charge). If you are interested in joining the event, please register using this link. We will send you the Zoom meeting link and the schedule via email prior to the event.[:]