001, 002, 003 | ISO Indonesia 2009 | ISFI | ISFI | 2009 |
004, | ISO-Indonesia.Edisi Farmakoterapi.Vol 12 | ISFI | PT. Anem Kosong Anem (AKA) Jakarta | 1988 |
005, | ISO Indonesia. Edisi Alfabetis | ISFI | PT. Anem Kosong Anem (AKA), Jakarta | 1982 |
006, 007 | Mikrobiologi Kedokteran Ed.23 | Geo F.Brooks | Salemba Medika | 2008 |
008, 009 | Mikrobiologi Kedokteran Ed.22,Brooks Jilid 1 | Geo F.Brooks | Salemba Medika | 2005 |
010, 011 | Mikrobiologi Kedokteran Ed.22,Brooks Jilid 2 | Geo F.Brooks | Salemba Medika | 2005 |
012, 013 | Mikrobiologi Farmasi | Sylvia T.Pratiwi | Erlannga | 2008 |
014, 015, 016 | Pemastian Mutu Obat Pedoman & Bahan 1 | Mimi V.Syahputri,S.Si,Apt | EGC | 2002 |
017, 018, 019 | Pemastian Mutu Obat Pedoman & Bahan 2 | Fabiola C.R.Hutabarat | EGC | 2004 |
020, 021, 022 | Kalkulasi Farmasetik,Panduan U/Apoteker | Howard C.Ansel | EGC | 2006 |
023, 024, 025 | Farmasetika | Moh.Anief | UGM Press | 2007 |
026, 027, 028 | Kompendia Obat Bebas | Depkes RI | Sagung Selo | 1997 |
029, 030, 031 | Ilmu Resep | Drs.H.A.Syamsuni,Apt | EGC | 2007 |
032, 033, 034 | Ilmu Meracik Obat Teori & Praktik | Moh.Anief | UGM Press | 2008 |
035, 036 | Sistem Dispersi Formulasi Suspensi & Emulsi | Moh.Anief | UGM Press | 1999 |
037, 038, 039 | Formulasi Obat Topikal Dgn Dasar Penyakit Kulit | Moh.Anief | UGM Press | 2008 |
040, 041 | Farmasetika Dsr & Hit.Farmasi | Drs.H.Syamsuni,Apt | EGC | 2006 |
042, 043 | The Pharmacologic Principle of Medical Practice | John C. Krantz, Jr. C. Jellef Carr | Bailliere, Tindall&cox, LTD. London. | 1961 |
044, | Sterile Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Volume 2 | Michael J. Groves, Wayne P. Olson, Michael H.Anisfeld | Interpharm Press, Inc | 1991 |
045, | Sterile Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Volume 1 | Michael J. Groves, Wayne P. Olson, Michael H.Anisfeld | Interpharm Press, Inc | 1991 |
046, | Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms | Herbert A. Lieberman, Leon Lachman, Joseph B. Schwartz | Marcell Dekker, Inc | 1990 |
047, | The Art Of Compunding | Frangke, Jenkins, Etel | The Blackiston Division | 1957 |
048, 049, 050 | Obat-Obat Yang Paling Sering Diresepkan | Dr.Mark Ragg | ARCAN | 2002 |
051, | Farmasi Fisik. Edisi Ketiga | Alfred Martin, dkk | UIP | |
052, | Chemical Stability of Pharmaceuicals | Kenneth A. Connors, dkk | John Wiley & Sons | 1986 |
053, | Die Tablette | Dr. W. A. Ritschel | Editio Cantor KG/ Aulendorf I. Wurtt | 1966 |
054, | Principle of Pharmaceutical Marketing. Third Edition | Mickey C.Smith, Ph.D | Lea & Febiger Philadelpia | 1983 |
055, | Physical Pharmacy. Second Edition | Alfred N. Martin, Ph.D | Lea & Febiger. Philadelpia | 1969 |
James Swarbick, Ph.D | ||||
Arthur Cammarata, Ph.D | ||||
056, 057 | Penuntun Praktis Peresepan Obat | Dr.Theodorus | EGC | 1996 |
058, | Buku Abstrak Kongres Ilmiah VI | ISFI | Yogyakarta | 1986 |
059, | Dermatological Preparations for the Tropics | Peter Bekker | CIP Gegevens Koninklinjke Biblioheek, Den Haag | |
Han Van Dorne | ||||
Vincent Gooskens | ||||
Nicolien Weringa | ||||
060, | Orientation to Pharmacy | Burlage, Lee, Rising | McGraw-Hill Book Company | 1959 |
061, | Farmasi Fisik. Edisi Ketiga | Alfred Martin, dkk | UIP | 1990 |
062, | Pharmaceutical Preformulation | James I. Wells | J. I. Wells/Ellis Horwood Limited | 1988 |
063, 064 | Farmasetika Dasar, Konsep Teoritis dan Aplikasi Pembuatan Obat | Anis Yohana Chaerunissa | Widya Padjajaran | 2009 |
065, | The Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy | Leon Lachman,Ph.D & Herbert A. Liebarman, Ph.D | Lea & Febiger | 1970 |
066, | Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms : Parental Medications Vol. 1 | Kenneth E. Avis | Marcell Dekker, Inc | 1984 |
067, | Sistem Informasi Kinerja Manajemen Obat Berbasis | Dr.dr.Boy Sabarguna,MARS | Sagung Seto | 2007 |
068, | Quality Assurance of Pharmaceutical | WHO | WHO | 2007 |
069, | Physical Pharmacy (Physical Chemical Principles in the Pharmaceutical Science) | Alfred Martin, Ph.D | Lea & Febriger | 1983 |
070, | Janes Swartrick, Ph.D | |||
Arthur Cammarata, Ph.D | ||||
Formularium Nasional. Edisi Kedua | Formularium Indonesia | Depkes RI | 1978 | |
071, | Alchimia, Ideologie, und Technologie | Emil Ernst Ploss | Heinz Moos Verlag Muenchen | 1970 |
072, | Heinz Roosen- Runge | |||
Heinrich Schipperges | ||||
Herwig Buncz | ||||
The Art of Compounding | Glenn L. Jenkins | Mc Graw-Hill Book Company, Inc | 1957 | |
073, | Dispensing For Pharmaceutical Students | S.J. Carter B.Pharm | Pitman Medical | |
074, | Medication Teaching Manual | James Caro | American Society of Hospital Pharmacist | 1987 |
075, | Botany Principle and Problems | Sinnott & Wilson | MeGraw – Hill Publication | 1955 |
076, | Progress in Chemistry of Medical Plant | Prof. Dr. Sjamsul Arifin Achmad | ITB University Press | 1989 |
077, | Natural Product Chemistry Vol. I | Koji Nakanishi | Kodansha Scientific LTD | 1974 |
078, | Biosynthesis of Natural Product | Paolo Manitto | Ellis Horwood Limited | 1981 |
079, | Clarke’s Isolation and Identification of Drugs | A.C. Moffat | The Pharmaceutical Press | 1986 |
080, | General Zoology | Tracy I. Storer | Mc- Graw Hill Publication | 1957 |
081, | Robert L.Usinger | |||
Fundamentals of Oncology | Henry C. Pitot | Marcell Dekker Inc | 1981 | |
082, | Materia Medika Indonesia Jilid V | Depkes RI | Depkes RI | 1989 |
083, | Schroder’s Leerboek Der Recepteerkunde | P. Van Der Wielen | BIJ.J.B. Wolters’ Uitgevers Maatschappij.N.V. Den Haag | 1929 |
084, | Reverse approach and the A + B = C Equation | Drs. R. Bambang Sitrisno | Faculty Of Phammachy Pancasila University, Jakarta | 1996 |
085, | The Chemistry of the Steroids | W. Klyne | Methuen & Co LTD | 1957 |
086, | Materia Medika Indonesia Jilid I | Depkes RI | Depkes RI | 1977 |
087, | Dictionary of Biology | Edwin B. Steen | Barnes & Noble Publishers | 1971 |
088, 089, | Seluk Beluk Food Suplemen | Vita Health | Gramedia | 2006 |
090, | Drug stability Principles and Practices Vol 10 | Carstensen, Rhodes | Marcell Dekker, Inc New York Basel | 2000 |
091, | Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients | American Pharmaceutical Association | American Pharmaceutical Association | 1986 |
092, | Biochemistry Lehninger | Albert L. Lehninger | Worth Publisher INC | 1975 |
093, | Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery sysnms | Ansel Howard, etal | Lippincott Company | 1999 |
094, | Formularium DerNederlandse Apothekers | Lembaga Penelitian Farmasi ITB | Lembaga Penelitian Farmasi ITB | 1968 |
095, | Obat-obat Bermasalah | Andrew Chetley, David Gilbert | Yayasan Lembaga Konsumen Indonesia (YLKI), Jakarta, Yayasan Sidowayati | 1992 |
096, | Textbook Of Organic Medical And Pharmaceutical Chemistry Sevent edition | Wilson – Gisvold – Doerge | J.B. Lippincott Company | 1977 |
097, | Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms : Parenteral Medications. Vol II | Kenneth E. Avis | Marcell Dekker, Inc | 1986 |
Leon Lachman | ||||
Herbert A. Liebermen | ||||
098, | Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms : Parenteral Medications. Vol I. | Martin. M. | Marcell Dekker, Inc | 1984 |
Herbert A. Liebermen | ||||
099, | Modern Pharmaceuties Second Edition | Marcel Dekker | New York and Basel | 1989 |
100, | ||||
101 | American Pharmachy | Sprowils Joseph | Lippincott Company | 1960 |
102 | Pharmaceutical Microbiology edisi IV | Russel , Hugo | Black Well Scientific Publication | 1987 |
103 | Pharmaceutical Preformulation | Carstensen Jr | CRC Press | 1998 |
104 | Physical Pharmacy. Third Edition | Alfred Martin | Lea & Febiger Philadelpia | 1983 |
James Swarbick | ||||
Arthur Cammarata | ||||
105 | ||||
106 | Teknologi Pengawetan Pangan | Norman W. Des Rosier | UIP | 1998 |
107 | Dispersion Of powders In Liquid | Perfitt, GD | Applied Science Publishers LTD | 1973 |
108 | Ilmu Resep Dalam Praktek dan Teori | Dr. C. F. Van Duin | PT. Soeroengan Jakarta | 1991 |
109 | Cosmetics and Dermatitis | Schwartz, etal | Paul Hoeber, Inc | 1947 |
110 | Rancangan Obat | Prof.Drs.Sardjoko, Apt | UGM Press | 1993 |
111 | kapita selekta Dispensing I untuk pelayanan Kefarmasian | Suci Ari Kristiani | UGM Press | 2007 |
112, 113 | Bakteri Anaerob Yg Erat Kaitannya Dgn Problem Klinik | Dr.Sylvia Y.Muliawan, DMM.SpMK,PhD | EGC | 2009 |
114 | Parenteral Technology Manual | Grovers Michael | Interpharm Press | 1988 |
115 | Farmasi Fisik. Edisi Ketiga | Alfred Martin | UI Press | 1990 |
116 | Physicochemical Principles Of Pharmacy, Edisi 2 | Attwood D | Mac Millan Publishing Co.Inc | 1994 |
117 | Pharmaceutical Emulsion and suspensions | Nielloud, F. etal | Marcel Dekker, INC, New York Basel | 2000 |
118 | Desinfeksi dan Sterilisasi | |||
119 | Larutan Parental | |||
120 | Pharmaceutical Technology | Eugenie L.Parrott,Ph.D | Department of Pharmacy Hasanuddin University | |
121 | Fortunes In Formulas | Hiscox, Etal | Books, INC New York | 1957 |
122.123 | Tutorial Pharmacy | |||
124 | Arzneiformenlehre | Paul Heinz List | ||
125 | Modern Cosmeticology, Volume One | J. B. Wilkinson | Chemical Publishing Co. Inc | 1962 |
126 | A Formulary Of Cosmetic Preparation | Michael and Irene Ash | Chemical Publishing Co. Inc | 1977 |
127 | Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms : Tablets | Herbert A. Lieberman | Marcell Dekker,Inc | 1989 |
128, 129 | Introduction To Pharmaceutical Production | Jacobus Polderman | Novib, The Hague | 1990 |
130 | The Art Compounding | Glenn L. Jenkins | MC Graw-Hill Book Company, Inc | 1957 |
131 | Buku Ajar Mikrobiologi: Panduan Mahasiswa Farmasi & Kedokteran | DR. Maksum Radji, M. Biomed | Penerbit Buku Kedokteran | 2010 |
132 | Stabilitas Kimiawi Sediaan Farmasi Jilid I | Kenneth A. Connors, dkk | John Wiley & Sons | 1986 |
133, 134 | Larutan-larutan Injeksi | Hans Hager | ||
135 | Validation of Aseptic Pharmaceutical Processes | Frederick J. Carleton dan James P. Agalloco | Marcel Dekker, INC, New York Basel | 1986 |
136 | Pharmaceutical Technology | Eugenie L.Parrott,Ph.D | Burgerss Publishing Company | 1970 |
137 | Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients | Raymond C Rowe, Paul J Shesky and Sian C Owen | Ppharmaceutical Press | 2006 |
138 | Pharmaceutical Practice | A.J. Winfield, R.M.E. Richards | Churchill livingstone | 2004 |
139, 140 | Methods in Microbiology moleculler Cellular Microbiology | Philippe Sansonetti | Academic Press | 2002 |
141 | PreTest Microbiology 13th Ed. | James D. Kettering | McGraw Hill Medical | 2010 |
142 | Jawetz, Melnick & Adelberg’s Medical Microbiology 24th Ed. | Geo F.Brooks | McGraw Hill Medical | 2007 |
143 | Case Files Microbiology 2nd Ed. | Eugene C. Toy., Cynthia Debord, et al | McGraw Hill Medical | 2008 |
144 | Mims Medical Microbiology 4th Ed. | Richard V Goering, et al | Mosby Elsevier, St. Louis Missouri | 2008 |
145 | Foundation in Microbiology 6th Ed. | Kathleen Park Talaro | McGraw Hill Medical | 2008 |
146 | Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology 10th Ed. | Warren Levinson | McGraw Hill Medical | 2008 |
147 | Burton’s Microbiology for The Health Sciences 9th Ed. | Paul G. Engelkirk | Wolter Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 2011 |
148 | Medical Microbiology 6th Ed. | Patrick R. Murray, Ken S. Rosenthal, Michael A. Pfaller | Mosby Elsevier, St. Louis Missouri | 2009 |
149 | Koneman’s Color Atlas and Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology 6th Ed. | Washington Winn., et al | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Company | 2006 |
150 | Review of Medical Microbiology | Patrick R. Murray, Ken S. Rosenthal, Michael A. Pfaller | Elsevier Mosby | 2005 |