Farmasi UNHAS lecture series this week: Introduction to viruses and Basic Genetics. Take note on the schedule!
Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Hasanuddin proudly announces that a guest lecture will be held this week as a part of lecture series by Bachelor of Pharmacy Study Programme. This week’s lecture will be focusing on virology and molecular biology. Our guest lecture for this occasion will be Assoc. Prof. Karyn Johnson from The University of Queensland, School of Biological Sciences. Dr. Johnson is an expert in invertebrate virology and has studied interactions between viruses and insects including Drosophila melanogaster as the host. Find out more about Dr. Johnson’s research here:
The lecture series will be held on 24 and 26 November 2020 starting off with topics of basic understanding on viruses. Following this, on 27 November 2020, Dr. Johnson will deliver talk about basic genetics. The lecture will be held virtually via Zoom Meeting on the following details:
Topic: Invited Lectures: Assoc. Prof. Karyn Johnson (The University of Queensland, Australia)
Time (recurring meeting)*:
1. Tuesday, 24 Nov 10.00-11.40 (Topic: Introduction to Viruses)
2. Thursday, 26 Nov 10.15-11.45 (Topic: Introduction to Viruses – the same topic)
3. Friday, 27 Nov 10.15-11.45 (Basic Genetics)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 876 8837 9932
Passcode: 767881
*timestamps are based on Indonesian Central Time (GMT+8).
All students and staffs are welcome to this meeting, so stay tune for the lecture!