Hasil ALSA English Competition 2016
Sebanyak 14 mahasiswa-mahasiswi Fakultas Farmasi Unhas menuntaskan perjuangannya di kompetisi English Competition yang diadakan oleh Asian Law Student Association (ALSA) Fakultas Hukum Universitas Hasanuddin. Para mahasiswa/i ini berjuang di dua nomor kompetisi yaitu debate dan speech. Untuk debat, ada dua kelas yang diikuti yaitu main and novice.
Untuk nomor speech, para mahasiswa/i yang tergabung dalam UKM Pharmacy’s House of Debate and Community (Ph.D, & Co.) ini berhasil menempatkan 2 perwakilannya di top eight dari total 22 peserta yang berpartisipasi. Sementara itu, nomor debate kelas main, posisi top six menjadi capaian para mahasiswa ini. Adapun debate kelas novice menghasilkan posisi the fourth winner.
Sebagaimana diberitakan sebelumnya, ke-14 mahasiswa/i yang mewakili Fakultas Farmasi Unhas dalam kompetisi ini adalah Nuur Aanisah, Marzel Lebang, Angelina Kounang, Alvionita, Ardiyah Nurul Fitri, Jewel Sari Untung, Andi Nur Annisah, Dini Rusdayanti, Filke Lay, Ade Nurul Amalia, Risdayanti Rauf, Reski Amalia Rosa, Andi Ainun Nuzulia dan Siti Nurkhalisah Ramlan.
Selamat untuk capaiannya, adik-adik hebat!
Fourteen students of Faculty of Pharmacy finished their fight in English Competition held by Asian Law Student Association (ALSA) Chapter of Faculty of Law of Hasanuddin University. The students competed in 2 categories i.e. debate and speech. In debate category, there were 2 classes joined which were main and novice.
In speech category, the students which are the members of Student Activity Unit (UKM) of Pharmacy’s House of Debate and Community (Ph.D, & Co.) placed 2 representatives in top eight position of 22 participants taking part. In main class of debate category, top six position was the achievement of the students. In novice class, the fourth winner was accomplished.
As informed before, the fourteen students were Nuur Aanisah, Marzel Lebang, Angelina Kounang, Alvionita, Ardiyah Nurul Fitri, Jewel Sari Untung, Andi Nur Annisah, Dini Rusdayanti, Filke Lay, Ade Nurul Amalia, Risdayanti Rauf, Reski Amalia Rosa, Andi Ainun Nuzulia dan Siti Nurkhalisah Ramlan.
Congratulations for the accomplishment!