[:id]161 Mahasiswa Baru Fakultas Farmasi Unhas Ikuti P2MB[:en]161 New Students of Faculty of Pharmacy Joins Inaugurative Procession[:]
Bertempat di Gedung Baru Fakultas Farmasi Unhas, Dekan FF, Prof. Dr. Gemini Alam, M.Si., Apt., menerima secara resmi 161 orang mahasiswa baru untuk angkatan 2016. Dari 161 maba tersebut, sebanyak 14,3%, atau sebanyak 23 orang, adalah laki-laki. Sisanya, sekitar 85,7%, adalah wanita. Sebanyak 65 maba diterima melalui jalur SNMPTN, 46 maba diterima melalui jalur SBMPTN, jalur POSK sebanyak 2 orang, 1 orang jalur afirmatif Dikti dan 47 orang diterima lewat seleksi JNS.
Maba akan mengikuti kegiatan P2MB tingkat fakultas selama 3 hari. Hari pertama (16/8/16) merupakan P2MB tingkat Fakultas Farmasi. Pada tanggal 18 Agustus 2016, P2MB dilanjutkan dengan pengenalan program studi dan laboratorium. Tanggal 19 Agustus 2016, di hari terakhir, proses P2MB dilaksanakan untuk jenjang lembaga mahasiswa.
Prof. Dr. Gemini Alam, selaku dekan, menerima secara resmi 161 maba tersebut. Beliau membuka kata sambutannya dengan memberikan pencerahan tentang keberadaan mereka di FF UH. “Kalian bersaing dengan banyak orang untuk mendapatkan 1 kursi di FF UH,” tukasnya.
Setelah penerimaan secara resmi, materi dilanjutkan langsung oleh Dekan FF UH. Dalam presentasinya, beliau menjelaskan tentang sejarah, struktur organisasi dan sistem perkuliahan di FF UH. Materi ini dimoderatori oleh Sukamto S. Mamada.
Di materi ke-2, Wakil Dekan III FF UH, Dr. Sartini, M.Si., Apt., hadir memberikan presentasi tentang kemahasiswaan. Garis besar presentasinya berkaitan dengan pengenalan tugas dan wewenang wakil dekan III, tata tertib kehidupan kampus, kode etik mahasiswa dan beasiswa. Terkait dengan Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM), WD III meminta kepada Andi Dian Permana, M.Si., Apt. sebagai pembina mahasiswa bidang PKM untuk memaparkan materinya sebagai materi III. Ke-2 materi lanjutan ini dimoderatori oleh Rangga M. Asri, S.Si., Apt.
Salah satu tugas pendahuluan untuk para maba adalah penggunaan media sosial untuk menyampaikan kesan mereka terkait P2MB. Salah satu maba yang berakun twitter @UlfhaNau mem-post twitnya “@farmasi_unhas Setelah melihat prestasi yang di raih oleh kakak2 senior saya jadi termotivasi untuk bisa seperti mereka #P2MBFFUH.” Akun @CampzMitha menyatakan “Tadi d fak. Farmasi, rasanya senang skali, byk pengalaman n pengajaran baru yg saya dapatkan @farmasi_unhas #P2MBFFUH.” Acara P2MB di hari pertama tingkat FF UH diakhir pukul 15.00 Wita (chm).
Taken place at Faculty of Pharmacy Hasanuddin University (FF UH), Dean of FF UH, Prof. Dr. Gemini Alam, M.Si., Apt., welcomed formally 161 new students of 2016. From those students, 14.3% or around 23 students are male. The rest, approximately 85.7%, are female. 65 students were accepted through free test way (SNMPTN), 46 students were through national examination way (SBMPTN), 2 students were accepted via Art, Sport and Creativity Selection (POSK), 1 student entered via program of Affirmative of Higher Education and the rest (47 students) were enrolled via non-subsidy way.
The new students will join the procession of inauguration and coaching (P2MB) for 3 days. On the first day (August 16, 2016), this procession was held at the level of Faculty of Pharmacy. The second day (August 18, 2016), the procession will be continued at the level of study program and laboratories. On August 19, the last day, the inauguration will be conducted at student board level.
Prof. Dr. Gemini Alam, as the dean, welcomed formally those 161 new students. He opened his remarks by giving advice to the students about their existence at FF UH. “You competed with many candidates to get 1 position at FF UH,” he said.
After this welcoming speech, the agenda was continued by presentation of the dean. He delivered presentation talking about the history, structure of organization and academic process at the faculty. Sukamto S. Mamada was asked as moderator for this session.
At the second session of presentation, Vice Dean III for Students and Alumni Affairs, Dr. Sartini, M.Si., Apt., delivered her presentation talking about student circumstances at FF UH. She talked about introduction of role of Vice Dean III, the rules in campus, ethical value as students and scholarship.
The third session, there was another presentation given by Andi Dian Permana. He gave presentation about Student Creativity Programs (PKM). Both presentations were moderated by Rangga M. Asri.
This procession on the first day was ended at 15.00. Before ending the event, the students were asked to do assignment. The given assignment was to deliver their impression about faculty level of P2MB published through social media (twitter). Several tweets were as follows.
@UlfhaNau: @farmasi_unhas After seeing achievements accomplished by seniors, I become motivated to be like them #P2MBFFUH.”
@CampzMitha: Just now at Faculty of Pharmacy, I feel happy, many new experiences and teaching I got @farmasi_unhas @P2MBFFUH.”