[:id]Apotek UNHAS 01 diresmikan pada Puncak Dies Farmasi UNHAS ke-14[:en]UNHAS 01 Pharmacy was officially launched at the Peak of the 14th UNHAS Pharmacy Anniversary[:]
[:id]Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Hasanuddin (Unhas) menyelenggarakan puncak perayaan Dies Natalis ke-14 yang mengusung tema “Innovation and Collaboration for Humanity”.
Kegiatan yang dirangkaikan dengan peluncuran buku dan peresmian Apotek Farmasi Unhas 01 berlangsung mulai pukul 07.30 Wita secara luring terbatas di pelataran Fakultas Farmasi, Kampus Unhas, Tamalanrea, Makassar, Minggu (14/11/2021).
Ketua panitia Apt. Sumarheni, S.Si., M.Sc. dalam laporannya menyampaikan agenda kegiatan selama pelaksanaan Dies Natalis.
Kegiatan meliputi pengabdian masyarakat di kota Parepare, lomba video kreatif tiktok dan YouTube challenge ‘daily life at Pharmacy’; workshop penulisan publikasi ilmiah; kuliah tamu dari Belfast University dan Harvard University, Webinar Top Scientist dan beberapa agenda lainnya termasuk Soft Launching Apotek Farmasi Unhas 01.
Pada kesempatan yang sama, Dekan Fakultas Farmasi Unhas, Prof. apt. Subehan, S.Si., M.Pharm.Sc., Ph.D. menyampaikan berbagai capaian prestasi Fakultas Farmasi di tahun 2021. Menurutnya, pada awal masa pandemi Covid-19, ada sedikit hambatan. Namun, hal itu tidak menjadi penghalang untuk terus berkontribusi dan berprestasi.
“Beberapa capaian prestasi itu antara lain Laboratorium Biofarmaka memperoleh Akreditasi ISO 17025, kualitas SDM dosen semakin lebih baik dengan selesainya beberapa doktor dari luar negeri hingga publikasi mengarah ke artikel orisinal. Tidak hanya itu, saat ini juga dilakukan proses pembangunan gedung laboratorium. Pada dasarnya, Farmasi Unhas terus mengoptimalkan berbagai capaian untuk mencapai target kinerja,” jelas Prof. Subehan.
Lebih lanjut, Prof. Subehan juga mengatakan optimisme dalam mengembangkan Apotek Farmasi Unhas 01 menjadi sarana pendidikan, sekaligus bagian dari unit bisnis. Apotek ini akan berkembang menjadi apotek kosong dua, apotek kosong tiga dan berikutnya. Kehadiran apotek tersebut diharapkan akan mendukung para lulusan apoteker yang berkualitas.
Kegiatan resmi dibuka Rektor Unhas, Prof. Dr. Dwia Aries Tina Pulubuhu, MA. Dalam sambutannya, beliau berharap berbagai target kinerja Farmasi dapat terwujud dengan berbagai langkah strategis dan dukungan sumber daya manusia serta sarana prasarana yang dimiliki. Mengenai Apotek Farmasi Unhas 01 yang berlokasi di Dental Center FKG Unhas, tepat di depan RSUP Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, dirinya mengatakan dapat berkembang menjadi apotek percontohan.
“Atas nama pimpinan Unhas kami mengucapkan terima kasih atas komitmen Fakultas Farmasi termasuk alumninya. Dalam buku inovasi Unhas, terdapat banyak produk dari Farmasi baik itu kosmetik, suplemen dan obat-obatan. Hari ini akan diresmikan apotek yang pertama. Saya berharap apotek ini dapat menjadi apotek percontohan. Bukan hanya sekedar menghasilkan profit, tetapi sebagai model memberikan pelayanan dan sistem yang baik,” ungkap Prof. Dwia.
Puncak Dies Natalis ke-14, juga diisi dengan peluncuran buku berjudul dari “Lontara Pabbura ke Pharmaceutical Care, Refleksi Akademisi dan Alumni Fakultas Farmasi Unhas dalam penanganan Covid-19”.
Buku ini merupakan karya pertama hasil kerja sama antara akademisi dan alumni Farmasi Unhas.
Buku ini terbagi delapan bagian meliputi (1) Biofarmasetika-Farmakologi; (2) Farmakognosi-Fitokimia; (3) Kimia Farmasi-Analisis Farmasi-Laboratorium Kesehatan; (4) Farmasetika-Mikrobiologi Farmasi; (5) Farmasi Klinik dan Komunitas; (6) Farmasi Sosial dan Administratif; (7) Farmasi Pemerintahan; dan (8) Farmasi Militer.
Pada kesempatan ini juga, pihak pimpinan Fakultas Farmasi bersama dosen pada setiap laboratorium memberikan apresiasi dan penghargaan kepada dosen yang memasuki masa purnabakti yaitu Prof. Dr. apt. H. M. Natsir Djide, MS. dan apt. Dra. Rosany Tayeb, M.Si. (*/ull-ff/mir)
Disclaimer:Berita ini telah tayang pada laman Bone Pos pada url berikut. https://www.bonepos.com/2021/11/15/puncak-dies-natalis-ke-14-fakultas-farmasi-unhas-hadirkan-kado-istimewa
[:en]The Faculty of Pharmacy, Hasanuddin University (Unhas) held the peak of the 14th Anniversary celebration with the theme “Innovation and Collaboration for Humanity”. The activity which was coupled with the launch of the book and the inauguration of the Unhas 01 Pharmacy Pharmacy took place starting at 07.30 WITA offline in the courtyard of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Unhas Campus, Tamalanrea, Makassar, Sunday (11/14/2021). The chairperson of the committee Apt. Sumarheni, S.Si., M.Sc. in her report conveyed the agenda of activities during the implementation of the Anniversary. Activities include community service in the city of Parepare, creative Tiktok video competition and YouTube challenge about ‘daily life at Pharmacy’; scientific publication writing workshop; guest lectures from Belfast University and Harvard University, Webinar Top Scientist and several other agendas including Soft Launching of Unhas 01 Pharmacy Pharmacy. On the same occasion, the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Unhas, Prof. apt. Subehan, S.Si., M.Pharm.Sc., Ph.D. conveyed various achievements of the Faculty of Pharmacy in 2021. According to him, at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, there were a few obstacles. However, it does not become a barrier to continue to contribute and excel. “Some of these achievements include the Biopharmaceutical Laboratory obtaining ISO 17025 Accreditation, the quality of human resources for lecturers is getting better with the completion of several doctors from abroad until publications lead to original articles. Not only that, currently the process of building a laboratory building is also underway. Basically, Unhas Pharmacy continues to optimize various achievements to achieve performance targets, “explained Prof. Subehan. Furthermore, Prof. Subehan also said optimism in developing the Unhas 01 Pharmacy Pharmacy into an educational facility, as well as part of a business unit. This pharmacy will develop into two empty pharmacies, three vacant pharmacies and so on. The presence of the pharmacy is expected to support qualified pharmacist graduates. The activity was officially opened by the Chancellor of Unhas, Prof. Dr. Dwia Aries Tina Pulubuhu, MA. In her remarks, he hoped that various pharmaceutical performance targets could be realized with various strategic steps and the support of human resources and infrastructure. Regarding the Unhas 01 Pharmacy Pharmacy, which is located at the Dental Center of FKG Unhas, right in front of Dr. RSUP. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, himself said he could develop into a pilot pharmacy. “On behalf of the leadership of Unhas, we thank you for the commitment of the Faculty of Pharmacy, including its alumni. In the Unhas innovation book, there are many products from Pharmacy, be it cosmetics, supplements and medicines. Today will be inaugurated the first pharmacy. I hope this pharmacy can become a pilot pharmacy. Not just making profit, but as a model for providing good services and systems,” said Prof. dual. The highlight of the 14th Anniversary was also filled with the launch of a book entitled “Lontara Pabbura to Pharmaceutical Care, Reflections on Academics and Alumni of the Faculty of Pharmacy Unhas in handling Covid-19”. This book is the first work of collaboration between academics and Unhas Pharmacy alumni. This book is divided into eight sections covering (1) Biopharmaceutical-Pharmacology; (2) Pharmacognosy-Phytochemistry; (3) Pharmaceutical Chemistry-Pharmaceutical Analysis-Health Laboratory; (4) Pharmacy-Pharmaceutical Microbiology; (5) Clinical and Community Pharmacy; (6) Social and Administrative Pharmacy; (7) Government Pharmacy; and (8) Military Pharmacy. On this occasion also, the leadership of the Faculty of Pharmacy together with lecturers in each laboratory gave appreciation and appreciation to lecturers who entered their retirement period, namely Prof. Dr. apt. H. M. Natsir Djide, MS. and apt. Dra. Rosany Tayeb, M.Si. (*/ull-ff/mir) Disclaimer: This news has been published on the Bone Pos page at the following url. https://www.bonepos.com/2021/11/15/puncak-dies-natalis-ke-14-fakultas-farmasi-unhas-present-kado-istimewa[:]