[:id]Breaking News! Hasil Seleksi Penerimaan MABA Profesi Apoteker sudah diumumkan.[:en]Breaking News! Results of Pharmacist Profession New Student Acceptance Selection Have Been Announced.[:]
[:id]Makassar, 17 Desember 2019.
Berdasarkan keputusan Rektor nomor 4840/UN.41/Kep/2019, nama-nama pendaftar seleksi Mahasiswa Baru pada Program Studi Profesi Apoteker sudah diumumkan. Bagi anda yang mengikuti seleksi penerimaan Maba Apoteker 2019, hasil seleksi sudah dapat diakses pada halaman berikut:
Caranya: masuk ke halaman website di atas kemudian masukkan nomor ujian anda pada kolom yang tertera pada bagian atas halaman web. Mahasiswa/i yang lulus diharapkan memperhatikan pula SK yang terlampir serta hal-hal penting lainnya.
Bagi anda yang lulus seleksi, kami ucapkan selamat bergabung bersama civitas akademika Universitas Hasanuddin. Bagi yang belum lulus, jangan patah semangat karena pendaftaran akan dibuka kembali pada bulan Juni tahun 2020.
-red.[:en]Makassar, December 17, 2019.
Based on the decision of the Chancellor number 4840 / UN.41 / Kep / 2019, the names of the New Student selection registrants in the Pharmacist Professional Study Program have been announced. For those of you who have participated in the Pharmacist Freshmen 2019 reception, the results of the selection can be accessed on the following page:
How: go to the website page above then enter your test number in the column listed at the top of the web page. Students who pass are expected to pay attention to the attached decree and other important matters.
For those of you who passed the selection, we congratulate you on joining the academic community of Hasanuddin University. For those who have not passed, do not be discouraged because registration will reopen in June 2020.