[:id]Congraduations! Selamat bagi yang telah mengikuti Wisuda periode Desember 2019[:en]Congraduations! Congratulations for those who have attended the Graduation Period December 2019[:]
[:id]Bulan Desember menjadi penghujung tahun yang menggembirakan bagi mahasiswa/i dari Fakultas Farmasi unhas yang telah menyelesaikan masa studinya. Sebanyak 26 wisudawan/wisudawati pada hari Senin/16 Desember 2019 telah resmi menyandang gelar sarjana sebagai lulusan Universitas Hasanuddin. Pada wisuda periode ini, Fakultas Farmasi meluluskan 15 orang sarjana S1 dan 11 orang lulusan Program Magister. Saudari Tri Puspita Roska menjadi lulusan terbaik untuk Program S1 di wisuda kali ini.
Untuk itu, segenap jajaran pimpinan dan civitas akademika Fakultas Farmasi UNHAS turut berbangga dan juga mengucapkan selamat atas kelulusan mahasiswa pada wisuda periode ini.[:en]December was the end of an exciting year for students from the Faculty of Pharmacy Hasanuddin University who have completed their studies. A total of 26 graduates on Monday, December 16, 2019, have officially held a bachelor’s degree as graduates of Hasanuddin University. In this graduation period, the Faculty of Pharmacy graduated 15 undergraduates and 11 graduates from the Masters Program. Ms. Tri Puspita Roska became the best graduate of the S1 Program at this graduation.
For that, all the leaders and academics of the Faculty of Pharmacy UNHAS were also proud and also congratulated the graduating students on this graduation period.[:]