[:id]Dekan Farmasi UNHAS sampaikan Visi Misi pada Temu Civitas Akademika (TCA) Farmasi UNHAS[:en]The Dean of Pharmacy UNHAS Conveyed the Vision and Mission at the UNHAS Pharmacy Academic Gathering (TCA)[:]
[:id]Dekan fakultas Farmasi UNHAS, Bapak Subehan, Ph.D memaparkan visi dan misi Fakultas Farmasi di hadapan civitas akademika Farmasi UNHAS yang diselenggarakan di Malino (11-01-2020). Fakultas Farmasi UNHAS sendiri memiliki visi yakni untuk menjadi pusat unggulan dalam pengembangan insani, ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dan budaya bidang kefarmasian berbasis Benua Maritim Indonesia.
“Visi ini sangat penting agar dipahami dan dijiwai oleh seluruh civitas akademika. Kesamaan pemahaman kita akan menjadi gerak bersama dalam memajukan fakultas,” tutur Subehan saat memberikan pemaparan.
Setelah pemaparan visi misi selesai, kegiatan diskusi yang dipandu oleh Anshar Saud SSi MFar Apt, disambut baik oleh beberapa alumni yang juga hadir pada kegiatan ini. Terlihat pada saat itu beberapa alumni yang telah berkarir di dunia kerja, termasuk alumni angkatan 1980 dan 1981.
Salah seorang peserta, salah satu apoteker bernama Avdal Azis (alumni angkatan 2006) menjelaskan bahwa keberadaan apoteker di Puskesmas saat ini sangat penting. Avdal yang sedang mengikuti program Nusantara Sehat dan ditempatkan di Puskesmas di Kepulauan Talaud, Sulawesi Utara ini mengungkapkan bahwa keberadaan profesi ini tidak bisa digantikan oleh latar belakang ilmu lain.
“Saya mengikuti Nusantara Sehat. Saya menyarankan kepada pihak Fakultas untuk memfasilitasi mahasiswa, khususnya mahasiswa profesi apoteker agar mengikuti magang di Puskesmas,” kata Avdal.
Merespon masukan tersebut, Dekan Farmasi menjelaskan bahwa pihaknya kini sedang menjajaki pelaksanaan Praktek Kerja Profesi Apoteker (PKPA) di Puskesmas. Koordinasi intensif sedang dilaksanakan dengan Dinas Kesehatan Kota Makassar.
“Sudah ada revisi kurikulum. Nantinya, kami akan kordinasi dengan APTFI. Praktik Kerja Profesi Apoteker selama ini hanya di Apotek, Rumah Sakit dan Industri. Nantinya akan diperluas, mahasiswa juga akan mengikuti PKPA di Puskesmas, PBF, Industri Obat Tradisional, Industri Makanan Minuman” ujarnya.
Lebih lanjut, Subehan PhD Apt sangat mengapresiasi saran, ide, kritikan dari alumni untuk bersama-sama membangun Fakultas Farmasi.
“Salah satu program kami ke depan adalah bersinergi dengan alumni. Kontribusi alumni sangat dibutuhkan oleh Fakultas. Saya sangat yakin, jika bersama dengan alumni Farmasi Unhas, maka akan banyak terobosan yang bisa dicapai untuk kemajuan Fakultas Farmasi Unhas” ujar Dekan termuda di Unhas ini.
(Artikel ini telah tayang di laman Fajar.co.id dengan tautan https://fajar.co.id/2020/01/21/pimpinan-fakultas-bem-mahasiswa-dan-alumni-farmasi-menyatu-di-tudang-sipulung/)[:en]Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy UNHAS, Subehan, Ph.D explained the vision and mission of the Faculty of Pharmacy in front of the UNHAS Pharmacy academic community which was held in Malino (11-01-2020). The Faculty of Pharmacy UNHAS itself has a vision, namely to become a center of excellence in human development, science and technology and culture in the field of pharmacy based on the Indonesian Maritime Continent.
“This vision is very important so that the entire academic community can implement and live up to it. Our common understanding will be a collective movement in advancing the faculty,” said Subehan when giving an explanation.
After the vision and mission presentation was completed, the discussion, which was guided by Anshar Saud S.Si., M.Farm, Apt, was welcomed by several alumni who also attended this activity. It can be seen that at that time several alumni who had careers in the world of work, including alumni of the class of 1980 and 1981.
One of the participants, a pharmacist named Avdal Azis (an alumni of class 2006) explained that the presence of pharmacists at the Puskesmas is very important now. Avdal, who is currently participating in the Nusantara Sehat program and is placed at the Puskesmas in Talaud Islands, North Sulawesi, revealed that the existence of this profession cannot be attributed to other scientific backgrounds.
“I follow Nusantara Sehat. I suggest to the faculty to facilitate students, the professional pharmacist profession to take an internship at the Puskesmas, “said Avdal.
This input, the Dean of Pharmacy explained that his party is currently exploring the implementation of the Pharmacist Professional Job Training (PKPA) at the Puskesmas. Intensive coordination is being carried out with the Makassar City Health Office.
“There has been a revision of the curriculum. Later, we will coordinate with APTFI. The professional work practice of pharmacists is only in pharmacies, hospitals and industries. Later it will be expanded, students will also attend PKPA at Puskesmas, PBF, Traditional Medicine Industry, Food and Beverage Industry. “he said.
Furthermore, Subehan PhD Apt really appreciates suggestions, ideas, criticism from alumni to jointly build the Faculty of Pharmacy.
“One of our programs in the future is to synergize with alumni. Alumni contributions are needed by the Faculty. I am very sure, if together with the Unhas Pharmacy alumni, there will be many breakthroughs that can be achieved for the advancement of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Hasanuddin University,” said the youngest Dean at Unhas.
(This article has been published on the Fajar.co.id page with the link https://fajar.co.id/2020/01/21/pimpin-f Fakultas-bem-mahasiswa-dan-alumni-farmasi-menyatu-di-tudang- roll/)[:]