Dosen Farmasi UNHAS Raih Penghargaan dalam Acara Penganugerahan Inaugurasi Pemenang L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science 2022
Ajang bergengsi dengan tajuk L’Oreal-UNESCO for Women in Science National Fellowship Awards kembali dihelat. Setelah sukses dengan edisi-edisi sebelumnya, ajang ini kembali diadakan untuk ke-18 kalinya. Selama 18 tahun menjalankan program ini di Indonesia, FWIS telah memberikan penghargaan dan pendanaan penelitian ilmiah kepada 63 perempuan peneliti muda Indonesia. Tahun ini Inagurasi digelar secara virtual Kamis (10/11/2022), bertepatan dengan hari Pahlawan Nasional dan World Science Day for Peace and Development untuk merayakan pentingnya peranan ilmuwan dan dunia ilmu pengetahuan bagi kemajuan bangsa. Setelah melewati proses panjang sembilan jajaran juri L’Oréal-UNESCO yang merupakan guru besar dari berbagai universitas dan institusi ternama di Indonesia yang diketuai oleh Prof. Dr. Endang Sukara, For Women in Science tahun ini telah menetapkan pemenangnya
Kali ini, 4 peraih penghargaan resmi diinaugurasikan. Mereka adalah: Novalia Pishesha, Ph.D., (Harvard University)., Nurhasni Hasan, S.Si., M.Si., M.Pharm.Sc., Ph.D., Apt., (Universitas Hasanudin)., Rindia Maharani Putri, Ph.D., (Institut Teknologi Bandung)., Dr. Anastasia Wheni Indrianingsih, (Badan Riset & Inovasi Nasional) para pemenang dianugerahi pendanaan riset.
Salah satu penerima award di atas adalah Nurhasni Hasan, S.Si., M.Si., M.Pharm.Sc., Ph.D., Apt. Beliau adalah salah seorang dosen di Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Hasanuddin. Award ini diberikan atas kontribusinya terhadap dunia kesehatan dengan mengangkat penelitian bertopik “pH-responsive Hybrid Nanoparticles-in-Large Porous Particles System for the Treatment of Lung Cancer: Enhance Therapeutic Efficacy of Anticancer Agents (Nitric Oxide and Natural Product) by Internalization into Cancer Cells”.
Dilansir dari, journal.sociolla.com dan jateng today.com, program ini dapat mencetak local heroes yang akan membawa nama harum Indonesia hingga level internasional. Melalui program ini, kami mengajak mereka yang percaya pada kesetaraan untuk bergabung bersama kami dalam meningkatkan kesadaran akan tantangan yang dihadapi oleh perempuan peneliti,” kata Fikri Alhabsie, Corporate Responsibility Director, L’Oréal Indonesia.
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A prestigious event entitled L’Oreal-UNESCO for Women in Science National Fellowship Awards is being held again. After the success of the previous editions, this event was held again for the 18th time. During its 18 years of running this program in Indonesia, FWIS has provided scientific research awards and funding to 63 young Indonesian female researchers. This year the Inauguration was held virtually on Thursday (10/11/2022), coinciding with National Hero’s Day and World Science Day for Peace and Development to celebrate the important role of scientists and the world of science for the progress of the nation. After going through a long process of nine L’Oréal-UNESCO judges who are professors from various well-known universities and institutions in Indonesia chaired by Prof. Dr. Endang Sukara, For Women in Science this year has determined the winner.
This time, 4 official award winners were inaugurated. They are: Novalia Pishesha, Ph.D., (Harvard University)., Nurhasni Hasan, S.Sc., M.Sc., M.Pharm.Sc., Ph.D., Apt., (Hasanudin University). , Rindia Maharani Putri, Ph.D., (Bandung Institute of Technology)., Dr. Anastasia Wheni Indrianingsih, (National Research & Innovation Agency) the winners were awarded research funding.
One of the awardees above is Nurhasni Hasan, S.Sc., M.Sc., M.Pharm.Sc., Ph.D., Apt. as the lecturer at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Hasanuddin University. This award is given for its contribution to the world of health by raising research on the topic “pH-responsive Hybrid Nanoparticles-in-Large Porous Particles System for the Treatment of Lung Cancer: Enhance Therapeutic Efficacy of Anticancer Agents (Nitric Oxide and Natural Product) by Internalization into Cancer Cells ”.
Reporting from journal.sociolla.com and Jateng today.com, this program can produce local heroes who will bring Indonesia’s name to the international level. Through this program, we invite those who believe in equality to join us in raising awareness of the challenges faced by female researchers,” said Fikri Alhabsie, Corporate Responsibility Director, L’Oréal Indonesia.