[:id]Fakultas Farmasi Unhas mengadakan 2nd International Conferences On Pharmaceutical Material, Engineering, and Applied Science 2022[:en]Unhas Faculty of Pharmacy holds 2nd International Conferences on Pharmaceutical Materials, Engineering, and Applied Science 2022[:]
[:id]Fakultas Farmasi mengadakan 2nd International Conferences On Pharmaceutical Material, Engineering, and Applied Science 2022 (2nd ICoPMES 2022) yang bertemakan “Addressing Challenges in Science, Technology, and Pharmacy for Better Future” yang dilaksanakan secara luring di Convention Hotel Universitas Hasanuddin dan daring di platform youtube & zoom meeting (11/11).
Kegiatan dihadiri oleh Gubernur Sulawesi Selatan yang diwakili oleh Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Hj. Rosmini Pandin, Wakil Rektor Bidang Perencanaan, Pengembangan dan Keuangan Prof. Subehan, S.Si, M.Pharm.Sc., Ph.D., Apt., para pimpinan fakultas farmasi Unhas, dosen-dosen fakultas farmasi Unhas, tamu undangan dari berbagai instansi, serta mahasiswa fakultas farmasi Unhas.
Registrasi acara dibuka pada pukul 08.00-09.00 WITA. Kemudian acara dimulai pada pukul 09.00 WITA yang diawali dengan penampilan Tari Sambu Toraya dan paduan suara oleh perwakilan mahasiswa fakultas farmasi Unhas. Selanjutnya sesi pembacaan doa yang dipimpin oleh Usmar, S.Si., M.Si. Apt dan laporan kegiatan oleh Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan Abdul Rahim, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D., Apt.
Sambutan-sambutan kemudian diberikan oleh Dekan fakultas farmasi Unhas Prof. Dr.rer-nat. Marianti A. Manggau, Apt., Rektor Universitas Hasanuddin yang diwakili oleh Wakil Rektor Bidang Perencanaan, Pengembangan dan Keuangan Prof. Subehan, S.Si, M.Pharm.Sc., Ph.D., Apt., dan Gubernur Sulawesi Selatan yang diwakili oleh Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Hj. Rosmini Pandin.
Dalam sambutannya dekan fakultas farmasi Unhas mengungkapkan selamat datang kepada seluruh pemateri dan partisipan dalam kegiatan 2nd International Conferences On Pharmaceutical Material, Engineering, and Applied Science 2022.
“ini adalah salah satu rangkaian kegiatan dari Dies Natalis Fakultas Farmasi Unhas yang ke-15 tahun. Terima kasih kepada seluruh speakers yang akan memberikan materi secara personal. Terima kasih kepada para sponsor yang telah mendukung acara ini. Serta terima kasih kepada panitia yang telah menyukseskan acara ini” ujarnya.
Dalam 2nd ICoPMES 2022 ini terdapat beberapa pemateri yang hadir baik secara luring dan daring. Beberapa materi yang hadir secara luring yaitu Prof. Dr. Burkhard Kleuser (Freie Universitaet, Berlin, Germany), Karyn N. Johnson, Ph.D., SFHEA (The University of Queensland, Australia). Adapun pemateri yang hadir secara daring yaitu Dr. Agung Eru Wibowo, M.Si., Apt. (Direktur Pusat Teknologi Farmasi dan Medika), Kohel Homma (Amino Up, Co.Ltd), Prof. Taichi Ohshiro (Kitasato University, Japan).
Kegiatan 2nd ICoPMES 2022 akan dilanjutkan pada Sabtu, 12 November 2022.[:en]The Faculty of Pharmacy held the 2nd International Conferences on Pharmaceutical Materials, Engineering, and Applied Science 2022 (2nd ICoPMES 2022) with the theme “Addressing Challenges in Science, Technology, and Pharmacy for Better Future” which was held offline at the Hasanuddin University Hotel Convention and online on the platform youtube & zoom meeting (11/11).
The activity was attended by the Governor of South Sulawesi represented by the Head of the Health Service Hj. Rosmini Pandin, Deputy Chancellor for Planning, Development and Finance Prof. Subehan, S.Si, M.Pharm.Sc., Ph.D., Apt., the leaders of the Unhas pharmacy faculty, Unhas pharmacy faculty lecturers, invited guests from various agencies, and students of the Unhas faculty of pharmacy.
Event registration opens at 08.00-09.00 WITA. Then the event started at 09.00 WITA which began with the performance of the Sambu Toraya dance and a choir by representatives of the Unhas Faculty of Pharmacy students. Furthermore, a prayer reading session led by Usmar, S.Sc., M.Sc. Apt and activity report by Deputy Dean for Academic and Student Affairs Abdul Rahim, S.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., Apt.
Speeches were then given by the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Unhas Prof. Dr. rer-nat. Marianti A. Manggau, Apt., Chancellor of Hasanuddin University, represented by the Deputy Chancellor for Planning, Development and Finance Prof. Subehan, S.Si, M.Pharm.Sc., Ph.D., Apt., and the Governor of South Sulawesi represented by the Head of the Health Service Hj. Rosmini Pandin.
In his remarks the dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Unhas expressed his welcome to all presenters and participants in the 2nd International Conferences on Pharmaceutical Materials, Engineering, and Applied Science 2022.
“This is one of a series of activities from the 15th Anniversary of the Faculty of Pharmacy Unhas. Thank you to all the speakers who will provide personal material. Thank you to the sponsors who have supported this event. And thank you to the committee for making it a success this event,” he said.
In the 2nd ICoPMES 2022 there are several speakers present both offline and online. Some of the material that was present offline, namely Prof. Dr. Burkhard Kleuser (Freie Universitaet, Berlin, Germany), Karyn N. Johnson, Ph.D., SFHEA (The University of Queensland, Australia). The speakers who attended online were Dr. Agung Eru Wibowo, M.Si., Apt. (Director of the Center for Pharmaceutical and Medical Technology), Kohel Homma (Amino Up, Co. Ltd), Prof. Taichi Ohshiro (Kitasato University, Japan).
The 2nd ICoPMES 2022 activity will continue on Saturday, 12 November 2022.[:]