[:id]Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Hasanuddin (FFUH) menyelenggarakan Pre-conference Workshop Farmasi Klinik yang dilaksanakan selama tiga Hari sebagai rangkaian kegiatan Dies Natalis FFUH yang ke-15.[:en]The Faculty of Pharmacy, Hasanuddin University (FFUH) held a Pre-conference Workshop on Clinical Pharmacy which was held for three days as a series of activities for the 15th FFUH Anniversary.[:]
[:id]Pada Kamis (10/11) Workshop Farmasi Klinik dilanjutkan dengan Topik “Pelayanan Farmasi Klinis pada Pasien Pediatrik dan Geriatrik”. Kegiatan ini dihadiri sebanyak 140 peserta secara daring via zoom meeting dan luring di ballroom Unhas Hotel and Convention Center. Pada sambutannya, Dekan Fakultas Farmasi Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Marianti A. Manggau menjelaskan bahwa kegiatan seperti ini sangat dibutuhkan oleh para praktisi Kesehatan khususnya farmasi dalam meningkatkan interprofessional education dan mengupdate ilmu-ilmu kefarmasian yang tidak hanya terbatas di Indonesia tetapi juga dari luar negeri. Setelah sambutan, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pemaparan materi oleh para narasumber. Materi awal dibawakan oleh Dr. rer.nat Helmut Schlager dengan judul materi yaitu Prevention of type 2 diabetes–a major challenge of the 21st century” yang dipandu langsung oleh Apt. Yulia Yusrini Djabir, M.BM., Sc., M.Si., Ph.D. sebagai salah satu dosen farmasi dan dilanjutkan dengan pemaparan materi oleh Dr. rer.biol.hum. Lutz Vogel dengan topik “ The Role of Pharmacist in The Hospital“ yang dipandu oleh dosen Fakultas Farmasi yaitu apt. Anshar Saud, S.Si., M.Pharm. Setelah itu, pada sesi siang workshop dilanjutkan dengan topik “Praktik farmasi klinis dalam optimalisasi outcome klinik dan identifikasi potensi medication error pada pasien pediatri” yang langsung dibawakan oleh Dr. apt. Rina Mutiara, M.Pharm. sebagai kepala instalasi farmasi Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) Jakarta. Pada sesi ini, kegiatan dipandu oleh moderator Apt. Abdul Rakhmat Muzakkir, S.Si. yang juga merupakan kepala instalasi farmasi RS Pendidikan Universitas Hasanuddin. Kegiatan berlangsung lancar dan diakhiri dengan sesi diskusi dan tanya jawab, juga penyerahan beberapa cenderamata kepada peserta workshop yang aktif selama kegiatan worksho berlangsung. Daftar nama peserta yang mendapatkan cenderamata adalah :
- apt. Akhmad Ardiansyah
- apt. Nurcholis
- apt. Adityawarman
- apt. Nurdaya
- apt. Basri
- apt. Dewi
- apt. Dede Haryono
- apt. Erikstiade
(*/CC)[:en]On Thursday (10/11) the workshop of clinical pharmacy continued with the topic “Clinical Pharmacy Services for Pediatric and Geriatric Patients”. This activity was attended by 140 participants online via zoom meetings and offline at the Unhas Hotel and Convention Center ballroom. In his remarks, the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Marianti A. Manggau explained that this kind of activity is very much needed by health practitioners, especially pharmacy in improving interprofessional education and updating pharmaceutical sciences which is not only limited to Indonesia but also from abroad. After the speech, it was continued with the presentation of the material by the speakers. The initial material explained by the speaker in this activity was by Dr. rer.nat Helmut Schlager with the material titled “Prevention of type 2 diabetes – a major challenge of the 21st century” which was guided directly by Apt. Yulia Yusrini Djabir, M.BM., Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. as one of the lecturers of pharmacy and continued with the presentation by Dr. rer.biol.hum. Lutz Vogel with the topic “The Role of Pharmacist in The Hospital” which was guided by a lecturer at the Faculty of Pharmacy, namely apt. Ansar Saud, S.Si., M.Pharm. After that, the afternoon session of the workshop continued with the topic “Clinical pharmacy practice in optimizing clinical outcomes and identifying potential medication errors in pediatric patients” which was brought directly by Dr. apt. Rina Mutiara, M. Pharm. as head of the pharmacy installation of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) Jakarta. In this session, the activity was guided by the moderator Apt. Abdul Rakhmat Muzakkir, S.Si. who is also the head of the pharmacy installation at the Hasanuddin University Hospital. The activity went smoothly and ended with a discussion and question and answer session, as well as the delivery of some souvenirs to the workshop participants who were active during the workshop. The list of names of participants who received souvenirs are:
1. Apt. Akhmad Ardiansyah
2. Apt, Nurcholis
3. Apt. Adityawarman
4. Apt. Nurdaya
5. Apt. Basri
6. Apt. goddess
7. Apt. Dede Haryono
8. Apt. Erikstiade