[:id]Jalur Masuk[:en]Modes of Entry[:]
- Sebelum melakukan pembayaran biaya pendaftaran, pastikan Anda memenuhi persyaratan karena tidak ada pengembalian Uang Pendaftaran
- Biaya Pendaftaran Rp. 500.000,-
- Pembayaran biaya pendaftaran melalui bank BTN di seluruh Indonesia.
- Pendaftaran Online dilakukan pada laman https://regpmb.unhas.ac.id
- Tanggal-tanggal penting dapat dilihat pada halaman registrasi unhas: https://regpmb.unhas.ac.id
Persyaratan Dokumen:
- Foto copy ijazah Sarjana Farmasi yang telah dilegalisir.
- Foto copy transkrip akademik Sarjana Farmasi yang telah dilegalisir (IPK minimal 2,75 untuk lulusan Sarjana Farmasi dari program studi yang berakreditasi A, dan minimal 3,0 untuk lulusan Sarjana Farmasi dari program studi yang berakreditasi B atau C).
- Foto copy akreditasi program studi dan institusi.
- Surat keterangan Sehat dari dokter.
- Berusia maksimal 35 tahun pada saat mulai studi
- Pas foto terbaru berwarna (latar belakang biru), pakaian tanpa atribut/logo
- Biaya pendaftaran sebesar Rp.500.000,-(lima ratus ribu rupiah).
- Surat keterangan tugas belajar atau izin belajar dari pimpinan instansi, bagi calon yang sudah bekerja (dapat diserahkan setelah dinyatakan lulus).
- Nilai TOEFL minimal 450, bagi peserta yang dinyatakan lulus namun nilai TOEFL di bawah 450 diberi kesempatan kursus, dan diwajibkan memperoleh nilai TOEFL minimal 450 sebelum mengikuti ujian sidang apoteker.
Prosedur Pendaftaran
- Sebelum melakukan pembayaran biaya pendaftaran, pastikan Anda memenuhi persyaratan karena tidak ada pengembalian Uang Pendaftaran
- Laman pendaftaran https://regpmb.unhas.ac.id
- Pilih Jalur Pendaftaran –> Mandiri Profesi Apoteker
- Masukkan Nomor Handphone (HP)
- Masukkan Nama tanpa gelar
- Clik Daftar/Mencetak Tagihan Pendaftaran
- Tata cara pembayaran: https://regpmb.unhas.ac.id/files/001005/upload/payment_unhas_btn.pdf
- Nomor ID (HP) berfungsi username dan Kode Akses/PIN berfungsi sebagai password yang tercetak pada bukti pembayaran dari bank BTN
- Pendaftaran Online dilakukan pada laman https://regpmb.unhas.ac.id
- Pada Halaman Form Login: USERNAME masukkan Nomor ID (No. HP yang digunakan pada saat membayar di Bank BTN) dan PASSWORD masukkan Kode Akses yang tertera pada bukti Pembayaran BTN.
- Bagi peserta yang telah membayar dan tidak dapat login dengan kode akses dari bank BTN dapat mengirimkan bukti pembayaran ke WA No. : 085343742764, 085343991587. dengan menulis subyek verifikasi KODE AKSES no. HP 08xxxxxxxxx (ketik nomor HP yang digunakan pada saat membayar di Bank BTN).
- Pilih Jenjang Pendidikan
- Pilih Program Studi
- Isi Form Biodata
- Upload Berkas
- Cetak Formulir
- Pencetakan Kartu Ujian dilakukan setelah serifikasi berkas oleh Panitia Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru dan dinyatakan memenuhi syarat pada tanggal yang ditentukan pada halaman registrasi UNHAS.
- Before making payment of the registration fee, make sure you meet the requirements because there is no refund of the Registration Fee
- Registration Fee Rp. 500,000,-
- Payment of registration fees through bank BTN throughout Indonesia starting on February 14 until. May 23, 2022
- Online Registration starts on February 14 s.d. May 23, 2022, at 23.59 WITA on the page https://regpmb.unhas.ac.id
- Online Verification Files dated February 14 s.d. May 24, 2022
- Exam Card Printing on 27 s.d 29 May 2022.
- Implementation of the Exam from 2nd to 3rd June 2022 which consists of two types of tests, namely: (1) Academic Ability and Potential Test (TKPA), on 2 June 2022, 90 minutes in duration, and (2) Basic Pharmacy Ability Test (TKFD), on 3 June 2022, 120 minutes duration.
- Announcement of Exam Results on June 17, 2022
- Re-registration / Payment of Semester I Tuition Fees from 20 June to 20 June. July 15, 2022.
- New Student Admission Procession for the First Semester of 2022/2023 August 2022
- Start of Lecturing session for the First Semester of 2022/2023 August 2022.
Document Requirements:
- Photocopy of Bachelor of Pharmacy diploma that has been legalized.
- Photocopy of the academic transcript of Bachelor of Pharmacy that has been legalized (minimum GPA of 2.75 for Bachelor of Pharmacy graduates from study programs accredited A, and at least 3.0 for Bachelor of Pharmacy graduates from study programs accredited B or C).
- Photocopy of accreditation of study programs and institutions.
- A health certificate from a doctor.
- The students should not be older than 35 years at the time of the study (22 August 2022)
- Recent colour photograph (blue background), clothing without attributes/logo
- The registration fee is IDR 500,000 (five hundred thousand rupiahs).
- Certificate of study assignment or study permit from the head of the agency, for candidates who are already working (can be submitted after being declared graduated).
- A minimum TOEFL score of 450, for participants who are declared to have passed but whose TOEFL score is below 450 are given the opportunity to take courses and are required to obtain a minimum TOEFL score of 450 before taking the pharmacist trial.
Registration Procedure
- Before making payment of the registration fee, make sure you meet the requirements because there is no refund of the Registration Fee
- Open the registration page https://regpmb.unhas.ac.id
- Choose Registration Path –> Independent Pharmacist Profession
- Enter the Mobile Number (HP)
- Enter Name without title
- Click Register/Print Registration Bill
- Payment method: https://regpmb.unhas.ac.id/files/001005/upload/payment_unhas_btn.pdf
- ID number (HP) functions as username and Access Code/PIN functions as password which is printed on proof of payment from bank BTN
- Online Registration starts on February 14 s.d. May 23, 2022 at 23.59 WITA on the page https://regpmb.unhas.ac.id
- On the Login Form Page: USERNAME enter the ID Number (mobile number used when paying at Bank BTN) and PASSWORD enter the Access Code listed on the BTN Payment proof.
- For participants who have paid and cannot login with an access code from bank BTN, they can send proof of payment to WA No. : 085343742764, 085343991587. By writing the verification subject, ACCESS CODE no. HP 08xxxxxxxxx (type the mobile number used when paying at Bank BTN).
- Choose Education Level
- Choose Study Program
- Fill in the Biodata Form
- File Upload
- Print Form
- The printing of the Exam Card is carried out after the file has been certified by the New Student Admissions Committee and is declared eligible on the 27th to the 27th. 29 May 2022;
Network Connection Socialization on May 31, 2022
Exam Schedule 2 s.d. June 3, 2022