[:id]Jelang Ramadhan, Fakultas Farmasi Adakan Program Bina Desa Tematik COVID-19[:en]Approaching Ramadan, the Faculty of Pharmacy Held a COVID-19 Thematic Village Development Program[:]
[:id]Makassar, Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Hasanuddin Menggelar program Bina Desa Tematik Covid-19. Kegiatan ini diadakan tepat sehari menjelang bulan Ramadhan (23 April 2020). Program Bina Desa Fakultas ini merupakan salah satu program Universitas Hasanuddin bidang kemahasiswaan dan alumni sebagai bentuk perwujudan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi berupa kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat, khususnya dengan adanya wabah Covid-19. kegiatan ini melibatkan beberapa Dosen, serta dari kalangan mahasiswa Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Hasanuddin. Kegiatan ini pula dibuka secara langsung oleh Wakil Rektor Bidang Kemahasiswaan dan Alumni Unhas Prof. Dr. drg. A Arsunan Arsin, M.Kes. yang kemudian langsung menyerahkan paket sembako kepada mahasiswa sekaligus memberikan semangat kepada civitas akademika dalam menghadapi wabah Covid-19.
Adapun sasaran Program Bina Desa Fakultas Farmasi Unhas yaitu (1) memberikan bantuan bahan pokok untuk sejumlah mahasiswa Unhas yang masih menempati rumah kos atau asrama mahasiswa di sekitar kampus Unhas, Tamalanrea; (2) memberikan bantuan bahan pokok bagi mahasiswa relawan yang bertugas di garis depan rumah sakit rujukan covid-19 di Makassar; (3) membagikan hand sanitizer dan infografis/edukasi kepada masyarakat terkait pencegahan penularan Covid-19 di beberapa puskesmas di Kecamatan Tamalanrea.
Dalam kegiatan penyerahan ini, turut hadir pula Dekan Fakultas Farmasi Unhas, Bapak Subehan, S.Si., M.Pharm.Sc., PhD., Apt ;Wakil Dekan bidang Kemahasiswaan, Alumni dan Kemitraan, Ibu Yulia Yusrini Djabir, S.Si., M.Biomed.Sc., M.Si., Ph.D., Apt ;Wakil Dekan bidang Keuangan, Perencanaan, dan Sumber Daya, Ibu Dr. Sartini M.Si., Apt ; Serta beberapa dosen, pegawai dan mahasiswa Fakultas Farmasi Unhas.
Bapak Subehan S.Si., M.Pharm.Sc., Ph.D., Apt, selaku Dekan Fakultas Farmasi Unhas menyampaikan bahwa pembagian paket ini sebagai salah satu program bina desa Fakultas Farmasi untuk meringankan beban mahasiswa di sekitar kampus Unhas, Tamalanrea dan mahasiswa relawan di rumah sakit.
“Kegiatan program bina desa sangat kami apresiasi. Semoga bisa berjalan lancar sesuai dengan target yg diharapkan. Program ini sangat membantu utamanya mahasiswa di sekitaran kampus Unhas Tamalanrea menjelang bulan puasa” ujar Bapak Subehan.
“Tidak hanya mahasiswa di sekitar kampus dan relawan. Fakultas Farmasi Unhas juga telah memberikan bantuan berupa masing-masing berupa 5 liter hand sanitizer serta beberapa poster infografis ke Puskesmas Tamalanrea, Tamalanrea Jaya, Antang dan Jumpandang Baru. Tenaga kesehatan di Puskesmas sangat membutuhkan hand sanitizer ini, apalagi mereka terus menerima pasien setiap hari. Diharapkan poster edukasi ini bisa dipasang di Puskesmas untuk edukasi masyarakat sekitar,” jelas Ibu Yulia Yusrini Djabir S.Si., M.Biomed.Sc., M.Si., Ph.D., Apt. Wakil Dekan Bidang Kemahasiswaan dan Alumni Fakultas Farmasi Unhas.
Hal senada disampaikan oleh bapak Anshar Saud S.Si., M.Farm., Apt, selaku ketua pelaksana kegiatan bahwa Covid-19 telah menyebabkan dua hal : Pertama, mendorong setengah milyar penduduk dunia kepada kesulitan ekonomi karena 20% pendapatan menurun karena resesi akibat pandemi ini. Kedua, walaupun tersedia informasi yang berlimpah, masih beredar banyak mitos dan misinformasi terkait pandemi virus ini.
“Semoga apa yang dilakukan ini dapat membantu mengurangi dua hal tersebut”, pungkasnya.(*)
[:en]Makassar, the Faculty of Pharmacy, Hasanuddin University held a Covid-19 Thematic Village Development program. This activity is held right a day before the month of Ramadan (23 April 2020). The Faculty Village Development Program is one of Hasanuddin University’s programs in student and alumni affairs as a form of realization of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education in the form of community service activities, especially with the Covid-19 outbreak. This activity involved several lecturers, as well as students from the Hasanuddin University Faculty of Pharmacy. This activity was also opened directly by the Vice Rector for Student and Alumni Affairs Prof. Dr. drg. A Arsunan Arsin, M.Kes. who then immediately handed over the food packages to the students while giving encouragement to the academic community in dealing with the Covid-19 outbreak.
The objectives of the Village Development Program at the Faculty of Pharmacy Unhas are (1) providing basic material assistance to a number of Unhas students who still live in boarding houses or student dormitories around the Unhas campus, Tamalanrea; (2) providing basic material assistance for volunteer students on the front lines of the covid-19 referral hospital in Makassar; (3) distributing hand sanitizers and infographics / education to the public regarding the prevention of Covid-19 transmission in several health centers in Tamalanrea District.
In this handover activity, the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Unhas, Mr. Subehan, S.Si., M.Pharm.Sc., PhD., Apt; Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, Alumni and Partnerships, Mrs. Yulia Yusrini Djabir, S.Si ., M.Biomed.Sc., M.Si., Ph.D., Apt; Deputy Dean for Finance, Planning and Resources, Mrs. Dr. Sartini M.Si., Apt; As well as several lecturers, staff and students of the Unhas Faculty of Pharmacy.
Mr. Subehan S.Si., M.Pharm.Sc., Ph.D., Apt, as the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Unhas said that the distribution of this package was one of the village development programs of the Faculty of Pharmacy to ease the burden on students around the Unhas, Tamalanrea and volunteer students at the hospital.
“We really appreciate the village development program activities. Hopefully it can run smoothly according to the expected target. This program is very helpful, especially students around the Tamalanrea Unhas campus ahead of the fasting month” said Mr. Subehan.
“Not only students around the campus and volunteers. The Faculty of Pharmacy Unhas has also provided assistance in the form of 5 liters of hand sanitizer each and several infographic posters to the Puskesmas Tamalanrea, Tamalanrea Jaya, Antang and Jumpandang Baru. Health workers at the Puskesmas really need hand sanitizers. Moreover, they continue to receive patients every day. It is hoped that this educational poster can be put up at the Puskesmas to educate the surrounding community, “said Mrs. Yulia Yusrini Djabir S.Si., M.Biomed.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. , Apt. Vice Dean for Student and Alumni Affairs, Faculty of Pharmacy, Hasanuddin University.
The same thing was conveyed by Mr. Anshar Saud S.Si., M.Farm., Apt, as the chief executive of the activity that Covid-19 has caused two things: First, pushing half a billion of the world’s population into economic difficulties because 20% of income has decreased due to the recession caused by this pandemic. Second, despite the abundance of information available, there are still many myths and misinformation related to this viral pandemic.
“Hopefully what is being done can help reduce these two things”, he concluded. (*)[:]