[:id]Kembali, Mahasiswa Fakultas Farmasi Unhas Torehkan Prestasi Pada Event Nasional Kefarmasian ANEPH IV 2020[:en]Again, Unhas Faculty of Pharmacy students made achievements at the ANEPH IV National Pharmaceutical Event 2020[:]
“Kesan saya setelah mengikuti event ini Alhamdulillah saya merasa mendapatkan pengalaman baru dan ilmu yang bertambah juga tentunya serta mengenal orang baru juga dari kampus lain. Mengapa saya katakan pengalaman baru karena baru pertama kali mengikuti event yang diadakan secara online.
[:en]Makassar, Hasanuddin University should be proud because three students from the Faculty of Pharmacy who joined in one team won second place in the scientific writing competition (LKTI) which was held on August 2 at ANEPH IV 2020 (Ash Syahdalah National Event of Pharmacy). They were Achmad Syahful Widianto, Nurfadihillah Asfa, and Muhammad Khadafi Anugrah Pratama. Apart from winning the LKTI, they also deserved appreciation for winning in the “Best Poster” category.
This event was attended by a team of students from various universities and they became finalists and competed with well-known universities in Indonesia.
“My impression after participating in this event, Alhamdulillah, I feel that I have gained new experiences and increased knowledge of course as well as getting to know new people from other campuses. Why do I say a new experience because this is the first time I have participated in an online event.My message is don’t be afraid to start and try something new. Intend, try and pray. Insha Allah, what you want to achieve can be realized, “said Muhammad Syahful.
“We are very happy to be able to win second place in the LKTI, especially at the national level. We did not expect this to be a convention because we do everything fast,” said Asfa.
In their scientific paper, innovations were made using compounds from natural ingredients as immunostimulants because currently immunostimulants were being discussed during the Covid 19 pandemic. The idea of their paper was to formulate compounds from natural materials into nanoparticles and modify their surfaces so that the active compounds could more effective as an immunostimulant.
It should also be noted, this event was previously planned to be held off-line, but due to the poor condition of Covid-19, the committee decided to hold this event online.[:]