[:id]Mahasiswa Farmasi Unhas Raih 2 Penghargaan Di Ajang IPITEX-THAILAND[:en]Unhas Pharmacy Students Wins 2 Awards at IPITEX-THAILAND Event[:]
[:id]Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Hasanuddin, Inovator muda farmasi unhas berhasil meraih dua penghargaan dalam IPITEX Hosted By National Research Council Of Thailand (NRCT). Dalam kegiatan “Bangkok International Intellectual Property, Invention, Innovation and Technology Exposition (IPITEX) Hosted By National Research Council Of Thailand (NRCT)” Tim dari Farmasi UNHAS berhasill meraih dua penghargaan yaitu Bronze Medal dan Special Award from Malaysian Invention And Design Society (MINDS) for “ Excellent in Innovation and Invention of the Research Project Entitled” . Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada 2-6 Februari 2020 di Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Center yang diikuti sebanyak 514 peserta dari 21 Negara.
Mahasiswa dari Farmasi Unhas yaitu atas nama Nurul Fitri Syaharir, A. Annisa Erika Savitri, Farhan Zulfadly, Agum Wahyudha Jur dan Zulfadly.
Menurut salah satu mahasiswa , atas nama Farhan Zulfadly “kami merasa bangga atas pencapaian dalam kegiatan ini, menurut kami mengikuti event seperti ini dapat menambah pengetahuan tentang ide-ide kreatif, inovatif serta bisa lebih mengenal negara yang kami kunjungi. Kami berharap apa yang menjadi pencapaian dalam kegiatan ini dapat membuat kami selaku “inventor” lebih giat lagi belajar dan dapat menjadi inspirasi bagi teman teman yang lain. Kami berharap untuk mahasiswa Farmasi kedepannya agar lebih belajar menciptakan hal-hal baru, baik tentang farmasi maupun diluar Farmasi dan selalu mengasah kemampuan dalam bidang menulis”.
Semangat dan Selamat Inovator Muda Farmasi.[:en]Faculty of Pharmacy – Hasanuddin University’s young pharmacy innovator won two awards in the IPITEX Hosted By National Research Council Of Thailand (NRCT). In the activity “Bangkok International Intellectual Property, Invention, Innovation and Technology Exposition (IPITEX) Hosted By National Research Council Of Thailand (NRCT)” the team from Pharmacy UNHAS won two awards, namely the Bronze Medal and Special Award from the Malaysian Invention And Design Society (MINDS) ) for “Excellent in Innovation and Invention of the Research Project Entitled”. This activity was held on 2-6 February 2020 at the Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Center which was attended by 514 participants from 21 countries. Students from the Unhas Pharmacy were Nurul Fitri Syaharir, A. Annisa Erika Savitri, Farhan Zulfadly, Agum Wahyudha Jur and Zulfadly.
According to one student, on behalf of Farhan Zulfadly, “We feel proud of the achievements in this activity, we think that participating in events like this can increase knowledge about creative, innovative ideas and get to know more about the countries we visit. We hope that what is achieved in this activity can make us as “inventors” even more active in learning and can be an inspiration for other friends. We hope that in the future Pharmacy students will learn more about creating new things, both about pharmacy and outside Pharmacy and always hone their skills in the field of writing”.[:]