[:id]Mahasiswa PSPA FF Unhas Jalani Ujian OSCE[:en]Students of Pharmacist Professional Study Program Faculty of Pharmacy UNHAS Facing the OSCE [:]
[:id]Sebanyak 117 mahasiswa Program Studi Profesi Apoteker (PSPA) Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Hasanuddin (FF Unhas) yang juga merupakan calon apoteker baru saja menyelesaikan rangkaian ujian Objective-Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE). Ujian ini merupakan salah satu tahap yang harus dilalui dan dilulusi oleh para calon apoteker untuk mendapatkan Sertifikat Kompetensi Apoteker Indonesia (SKAI). Adapun sertifikat ini merupakan syarat utama untuk pengurusan Surat Tanda Registrasi Apoteker (STRA) dan Surat Izin Praktik Apoteker (SIPA).
OSCE adalah salah satu bentuk Ujian Kompetensi Apoteker Indonesia (UKAI). Berbeda dengan UKAI Computer-Based Test (CBT) yang lebih mengedepankan penilaian pada aspek kognitif kandidat, OSCE menilai pada aspek yang lebih lengkap baik kognitif, afektif, maupun psikomotorik.
Secara teknis, kandidat harus menyelesaikan 10 station dalam ujian OSCE ini. Setiap station menguji kompetensi kandidat dalam melakukan pekerjaan kefarmasian. Secara umum, kasus-kasus yang harus dipecahkan di setiap station berkaitan dengan pekerjaan kefarmasian di fasilitas produksi, distribusi, komunitas farmasi, dan lain-lain.
Pelaksanaan ujian OSCE dilaksanakan di OSCE Center FF Unhas selama 3 hari, Sabtu – Senin, 20 – 22 Juli 2019. Setiap hari terbagi ke dalam dua sesi yakni sesi pagi dan sesi siang. Setiap sesi terdiri atas round 1 dan round 2. Setiap round diikuti oleh 10 kandidat. Total ada 6 sesi (12 round) selama 3 hari pelaksanaan OSCE ini.
Untuk melakukan penilaian, total ada 22 penguji tersertifikasi yang telah disiapkan. Seluruh penguji tersebut menilai kemampuan para kandidat untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang diberikan kepada mereka.[:en]As many as 117 students of the Pharmacist Professional Study Program of the Faculty of Pharmacy at Hasanuddin University who are also prospective pharmacists have just completed a series of Objective-Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) tests. This exam is one of the stages that must be passed by prospective pharmacists to get the Indonesian Pharmacist Competency Certificate. The certificate is the main requirement for the management of the Pharmacist Registration Certificate and the Pharmacist Practice License.
OSCE is one form of the Indonesian Pharmacist Competency Test (UKAI). In contrast to the UKAI Computer-Based Test (CBT) which emphasizes the assessment of the cognitive aspects of candidates, OSCE assesses the more complete aspects of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.
Technically, candidates must complete 10 stations in this OSCE exam. Each station tests the competency of candidates in carrying out pharmaceutical work. In general, cases that must be solved at each station are related to pharmaceutical work in production and distribution facilities, community pharmacy, and others.
The OSCE exam was held at the Faculty of Pharmacy Unhas OSCE Center for 3 days, Saturday – Monday, July 20-22, 2019. Each day was divided into two sessions, the morning and the afternoon session. Each session consisted of round 1 and round 2. Each round was attended by 10 candidates. In total there were 6 sessions (12 rounds) during the 3 days of the OSCE.
To make an assessment, a total of 22 certified testers were involved. All the examiners assessed the ability of the candidates to solve the problems given to them.[:]