Bertempat di Ruang Pertemuan Fakultas Farmasi Unhas, kegiatan Monitoring dan Evaluasi Akhir untuk Program Pengembangan Kapasitas Program Studi (PPKPS) Bantuan Operasional Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (BOPTN) diselenggarakan dengan menghadirkan Dr. Amiruddin sebagai reviewer.
Dalam kegiatan ini, Dr. Amiruddin ingin melakukan evaluasi berbagai kegiatan yang dimasukkan sebagai PPKPS. Sebagai informasi, PPKPS BOPTN melaksanakan 11 kegiatan dengan rincian 4 kegiatan untuk tingkat Fakultas Farmasi dan 7 kegiatan untuk tingkat Program Studi Sarjana.
Kegiatan MONEV dilakukan hari ini, Selasa, 22 November 2016, dimulai pukul 09.00 Wita dan berakhir 10.30 Wita. Hasil MONEV yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa keseluruhan kegiatan telah terlaksana dengan baik. Hal ini memberikan respon positif dari reviewer yang juga Dekan FMIPA Unhas ini.
Taken place at Meeting Room of Faculty of Pharmacy, final monitoring and evaluation (MONEV) were conducted to monitor and evaluate Programs of Developing Capacity of Study Program (PPKPS) in fund scheme of Public Higher Education Operational Assistance (BOPTN). All the programs were evaluated by Dr. Amiruddin as reviewer.
In this event, Dr. Amiruddin evaluated the programs which were put in PPKPS. As information, PPKPS BOPTN conducted 11 programs. In details, 4 programs were allocated for Faculty of Pharmacy and 7 programs were for Bachelor Study Program.
MONEV activity was performed today, Tuesday, November 22, 2016. It was started at 09.00 Wita and ended 10.30 Wita. The results of this evaluation showed that all the planned programs (11 programs) were done in a good way. This achievement gave positive response from the reviewer who is also Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.