[:id]Motivasi Mahasiswa Apoteker UNHAS, Direktur Obtra BPOM bawakan Kuliah Umum di Farmasi UNHAS[:en]Director of Traditional Medicine in National Agency of Drug and Food Control Delivered Public Lectures on Pharmacy UNHAS To motivate Pharmacist Students of UNHAS[:]
[:id]Makassar, 21 Des 2019. Direktur Bidang Obat Tradisional, Suplemen Makanan dan Kosmetik, Bapak Drs. Tepy Usia, Apt., M.Phil., Ph.D memberikan kuliah umum bertajuk pemanfaatan obat bahan alam di Indonesia. Bapak yang akrab dipanggil Pak Tepy, ini merupakan alumni Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Hasanuddin angkatan 1985. Kuliah umum ini dihadiri oleh kurang lebih 120 orang yang terdiri dari mahasiswa program profesi apoteker, masiswa magister, doktor serta dosen-dosen Fakultas Farmasi. Kegiatan ini dibuka oleh Dekan Fakultas Farmasi, Prof.Dr. Gemini Alam, M.Si. Apt. didampingi oleh Bpk Subehan, M.Pharm.Sc. Ph.D, APt. selaku Wakil Dekan I dan Ibu Dr. Risfah Yulianty, M.Si., Apt. selaku Wakil Dekan II serta Kaprodi Apoteker, Ibu Dra. Ermina Pakki, M.Si., Apt.
Dalam kuliah umum yang dibawakan, beliau memberikan motivasi kepada para mahasiswa program studi profesi apoteker yang tengah menempuh pendidikannya di Fakultas Farmasi UNHAS saat ini. Beliau menghimbau kepada seluruh mahasiswa untuk terus belajar dan meningkatkan kepercayaan dirinya sehingga dapat berkarya di luar pulau Sulawesi. Dalam kesempatan ini pula, beliau menyampaikan bagaiamana strategi-strategi yang ditempuh oleh BPOM dalam meningkatkan hilirisasi penelitian di bidang bahan alam sehingga potensi biodiversitas Indonesia dapat digunakan untuk menurunkan impor bahan baku obat dalam negeri.
Mahasiswa apoteker yang mengikuti saat itu sangat antusias sekaligus terinspirasi akan materi yang dibawaan oleh Pak Tepy,
“Materi yang dibawakan beliau sangat relevan dengan perkembangan obat tradisional saat ini. beliau juga memotivasi kami agar dapat bersaing di dunia kerja tidak hanya di daerah tetapi juga tingkat nasional maupun internasional. Sangat inspiratif”, tutur salah seorang peserta dari mahasiswa apoteker.
[:en]Makassar, 21 Dec 2019. Director of Traditional Medicine, Food and Cosmetic Supplements, Mr. Drs. Tepy Usia, Apt., M. Phil., Ph.D, gave a public lecture entitled Utilization of natural medicines in Indonesia. The man who is fondly called Pak Tepy, is an alumnus of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Hasanuddin University class of 1985. This public lecture was attended by approximately 120 people consisting of pharmacist professional students, master students, doctors and lecturers of the Faculty of Pharmacy. This activity was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Prof. Dr. Gemini Alam, M.Sc. Apt. accompanied by Mr. Subehan, M.Pharm.Sc. Ph.D, APt. as Deputy Dean I and Mrs. Dr. Risfah Yulianty, M.Sc., Apt. as Deputy Dean II and Head of Pharmacist Program, Mrs. Dra. Ermina Pakki, M.Sc., Apt.
In the public lecture he delivered, he motivated the students who are currently undertaking the pharmacist program at the Faculty of Pharmacy, UNHAS at this time. He appealed to all students to continue learning and increase their confidence so they could work outside the island of Sulawesi. On this occasion also, he conveyed how the strategies adopted by BPOM (Indonesian NADFC) in increasing research downstream in the field of natural resources so that Indonesia’s biodiversity potential can be used to reduce imports of domestic medicinal raw materials.
The pharmacist students who followed the event were very enthusiastic at the same time inspired by the material presented by Mr. Tepy,
“The material presented by him is so relevant to the development of traditional medicine today. He also motivated us to be able to compete in the world of work not only in the regions but also at the national and international levels. Very inspiring,” said one participant from the pharmacist students.[:]