[:id]Pelantikan & Pengambilan Sumpah Badan Pengurus Harian BEM & MAPERWA Fakultas Farmasi Unhas[:en]Inauguration & Oath-Taking of the Executive Board of BEM & MAPERWA Faculty of Pharmacy Unhas[:]
[:id]Makasssar, 17 Januari 2020. Pengurus Maperwa (Majelis Permusyawaratan Mahasiswa) dan BEM (Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa) Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Hasanuddin Periode 2019/2020 akhirnya resmi dilantik pada Jumat, 17 Januari 2020. Kegiatan ini dihadiri oleh Dekan Fakultas Farmasi Unhas Bapak Subehan, S. Si., M. Pharm.Sc.Ph.D., Apt. Dan Wakil Dekan III Fakultas Farmasi Unhas ibu Dr. Sartini, M. Si., Apt. Selain itu dihadiri pula oleh pengurus BEM Universitas Hasanuddin. Dalam sambutannya bapak Subehan menyampaikan bahwa dalam berorganisasi jangan sampai menghalangi akademik, seperti halnya peraturan yang mengatakan bahwa presiden BEM yang menjabat tidak boleh diwisuda, seharusnya ini bukan polemik, karena masih ada wakilnya yang dapat menggantikan posisinya, selain itu beliau menyampaikan pesan ibu rektor mengenai gebrakan baru yang akan dilaksanakan yang bahkan masih dirahasiakan oleh ibu rektor. Beliau juga mengatakan bahwa sangat perlu dilakukan diskusi antara pihak fakultas dan pengurus lembaga kemahasiswaan agar kendala pada kepengurusan dapat diminimalisir.
Proses pelantikan pengurus Maperwa dan BEM dilakukan langsung oleh Ketua Maperwa Kemafar UH, Andi Aditya Natsir mahasiswa Fakultas Farmasi angkatan 2016 dan Presiden Bem, Dhandy Kashar Pratama mahasiswa Fakultas Farmasi angkatan 2017, dalam pelantikan ini pengurus maperwa yang dilantik berjumlah 12 orang dan jumlah pengurus BEM sebanyak 28 orang.
Semoga kepengurusan ini dapat berjalan dengan baik dan mampu mengangakat eksistensi fakultas farmasi ditingkat Nasional bahkan Internasional.[:en]Makasssar, January 17, 2020. Maperwa (Student Consultative Council) and BEM (Student Executive Board) of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Hasanuddin University 2019/2020 period were officially inaugurated on Friday, January 17, 2020. This activity was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Subehan, S. . Si., M. Pharm.Sc.Ph.D., Apt. And Vice Dean III of the Faculty of Pharmacy Unhas Dr. Sartini, M. Si., Apt. Besides that, it was also attended by the BEM board of Hasanuddin University. In his remarks, Dr. Subehan said that in organizing, do not obstruct academic matters, such as regulations which state that the BEM president who is in the office should not be graduated should not be a polemic, because there are still representatives who can replace his position. He also added that there is something new to be implemented which is even still kept secret by the rector. Lastly, he said that it was very necessary to have a discussion between the faculties and the management of student organizations so that the obstacles in the management could be minimized.
The inauguration process of the Maperwa and BEM administrators was carried out directly by the Head of Mapafwa of Kemafar UH, Andi Aditya Natsir, a 2016 Faculty of Pharmacy student and President of Bem, Dhandy Kashar Pratama, a 2017 Faculty of Pharmacy student, in this inauguration the Maperwa Board was appointed by 12 people and the number of BEM administrators was 2016 and President Bem, Dhandy Kashar Pratama, a 2017 Faculty of Pharmacy student of 28 people.
Hopefully, this management can run well and be able to lift the existence of the faculty of pharmacy at the National and even International level.[:]