[:id]Profesi Apoteker[:en]Pharmacist Program[:]
Semester I
- Farmakoterapi Terapan (2 SKS)
- Pelayanan Kefarmasian (2 SKS)
- Compounding and Dispensing (2 SKS)
- Manajemen Farmasi (2 SKS)
- Komunikasi dan Konseling (2 SKS)
- Farmasi Rumah Sakit (2 SKS)
- Farmasi Industri (2 SKS)
- Interaksi Obat (2 SKS)
- Farmasi Klinik (2 SKS)
- Pengobatan Sendiri (2 SKS)
Semester II
- PKP Farmasi Apotek (4 SKS)
- PKP Farmasi Rumah Sakit (4 SKS)
- PKP Farmasi Industri (4 SKS)
- Ujian Apoteker (1 SKS)
Semester I
- Advanced Pharmacotherapy
- Pharmaceutical Care
- Compounding and Dispensing
- Pharmaceutical Management
- Communication and Counselling
- Hospital Pharmacy
- Industrial Pharmacy
- Drug Interaction
- Clinical Pharmacy
- Self-Medication
Semester II
- Hospital Practice Work
- Pharmacy Practice Work
- Industrial Practice Work
- Viva Voce