[:id]Rangkaikan ISBDD 2019, Farmasi UNHAS Laksanakan Tiga Workshop bagi Civitas Akademika dan Komunitas[:en]Adding to ISBDD 2019, Pharmacy UNHAS Held Three Workshops for the Academia and Community[:]
[:id]Dalam rangka International Seminar on Biosciences and Drug Discoveries (ISBDD) 2019, Fakultas Farmasi melaksanakan tiga program Pre-conferences berupa workshop Fitokimia bagi peneliti di laboratorium Biofarmaka UNHAS, workshop Farmasi Klinik bagi praktisi farmasi di pelayanan kesehatan dan workshop penulisan artikel ilmiah bagi civitas akademika UNHAS.
Workshop Fitokimia ditujukan kepada peneliti khususnya yang terfokus di bidang pengolahan bahan alam sebagai sumber obat tradisional. Dalam kegiatan ini (Sabtu, 2 Nov 2019), fakultas Farmasi UNHAS mengundang pembicara Prof. Dr. Abdul Rohman, Apt. dari Universitas Gadjah Mada yang membawakan materi berupa aplikasi inframerah dalam menganalisis produk halal dalam obat tradisional. Selain itu, Dekan Fakultas Farmasi Unhas, Prof. Dr. Gemini Alam, juga berkesempatan langsung membawakan materi metode fitokimia pada kegiatan ini. Selain materi di kelas, juga dilakukan praktikum di laboratorium Biofarmaka UNHAS untuk mempraktikkan cara ekstraksi bahan alam bagi peneliti.
Di kesempatan lain (Rabu, 6 November 2019), Fakultas Farmasi Unhas melaksanakan kegiatan Workshop Farmasi Klinik yang dilaksanakan di Hotel Novotel Makassar. Kegiatan ini dihadiri oleh praktisi-praktisi dari berbagai sektor pelayanan kefarmasian di kota Makassar. Pada kegiatan ini, Fakultas Farmasi Unhas mengundang dua pembicara. Yang pertama dari Australia, Chris Alderman membawakan materi mengenai Drug Related Problems di pelayanan Farmasi di Rumah Sakit. Pembicara kedua, sekaligus fasilitator pada sesi praktik, Ibu Hubby,M.Farm.Klin., Apt. membawakan materi mengenai topik-topik seputar Drug Utilisation Problems in Geriatry.
Secara paralel dengan kegiatan Workshop Farmasi Klinik, Fakultas Farmasi juga mengadakan workshop penulisan artikel ilmiah yang difasilitasi oleh Prodi S3 Ilmu Farmasi. Workshop ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi kepada para peneliti yang tertarik untuk menghasilkan karya-karya publikasi ilmiah yang baik dan layak untuk masuk ke jurnal-jurnal dengan level yang tinggi. Untuk tujuan tersebut, diundang Assoc. Prof. Jalifah Latif dari Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia sebagai fasilitator.
Ketiga kegiatan ini berlangsung sukses dan diikuti secara antusias oleh peserta. Oleh sebab itu, pihak fakultas mengapresiasi serta mengharapkan agar kegiatan seperti ini terus berlanjut sehingga membawa manfaat sebesar-besarnya bagi masyarakat.[:en]In the sequence of the 2019 International Seminar on Biosciences and Drug Discoveries (ISBDD), the Faculty of Pharmacy conducts three pre-conferences programs in the form of Phytochemical workshops for researchers at the UNHAS Biofarmaka Laboratory, Clinical Pharmacy workshops for pharmaceutical practitioners in health services and scientific writing workshops for the UNHAS academic community.
The Phytochemical Workshop was aimed at researchers specifically focused on the field of processing natural materials as a source of traditional medicine. In this activity (Saturday, 2 Nov 2019), the Faculty of Pharmacy UNHAS invited Prof. Dr. Abdul Rohman, Apt. from Gadjah Mada University who brought material in the form of infrared applications in analyzing halal products in traditional medicine. In addition, the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Unhas, Prof. Dr. Gemini Alam, also had the opportunity to directly bring phytochemical methods to this activity. In addition to the material in the class, a practical session was also conducted at the UNHAS Biofarmaka Laboratory to practice natural extraction methods for researchers.
On another occasion (Wednesday, November 6, 2019), the Faculty of Pharmacy Unhas conducted a Clinic Pharmacy Workshop which was held at the Novotel Hotel Makassar. This activity was attended by practitioners from various pharmaceutical service sectors in the city of Makassar. In this activity, the Faculty of Pharmacy Unhas invited two speakers. The first from Australia, Chris Alderman brought material about Drug Related Problems in the Pharmacy Service at the Hospital. The second speaker, as well as a facilitator in the practice session, Mrs. Hubby, M.Farm.Klin., Apt. brought material about topics around Drug Utilization Problems in Geriatry.
In parallel with the Clinical Pharmacy Workshop activity, the Faculty of Pharmacy also held a workshop on scientific article writing facilitated by the Study Program of Pharmacy Science. This workshop aims to provide information to researchers who were interested in producing works of scientific publications that are good and suitable for entry into high-level journals. For this purpose, invited Assoc. Prof. Jalifah Latif from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia as a facilitator.
All three activities were successful and were followed enthusiastically by the participants. Therefore, the faculty appreciates and expects that activities like this will continue so as to bring maximum benefits to the community.[:]