[:id]Rapat Borang Akreditasi Program Studi Profesi Apoteker dan Sarjana Farmasi[:en]Accreditation Meeting of Pharmacist and Bachelor Study Programs[:]
Kamis, 5 Januari 2017, bertempat di Ruang Pertemuan Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Hasanuddin (FF UH), rapat persiapan akreditasi Program Studi Profesi Apoteker (PSPA) dan Sarjana Farmasi (PSSF) dihelat. Rapat dimulai pukul 16.00 Wita dengan mengagendakan review terhadap borang akreditasi yang telah dikoreksi oleh para fasilitator borang.
Rapat dihadiri oleh sebagian besar dosen FF UH dan dipimpin langsung oleh Dekan FF UH, Prof. Dr. Gemini Alam, M.Si., Apt. Hadir pula para wakil dekan, kepala program studi dan panitia penyusun borang akreditasi.
Rapat dimulai dengan membahas koreksi fasilitator terhadap borang akreditasi PSPA. Sebagai pemapar adalah Nurhasni Hasan. Setelah pemaparan, para peserta rapat memberikan pendapat atas koreksi tersebut agar dapat segera diperbaiki oleh panitia penyusun borang akreditasi. Sebanyak 7 standar akreditasi dibahas pada rapat ini. Ke-7 standar tersebut adalah Visi-Misi dan Tujuan, Tata Pamong, Kepemimpinan dan Sistem Pengelolaan; Mahasiswa dan Alumni; Sumber Daya Manusia; Kurikulum; Sarana, Prasarana dan Pembiayaan; dan Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat.
Dikarenakan waktu yang terbatas, pertemuan kali ini hanya sempat membahas borang akreditasi PSPA. Untuk borang akreditasi PSSF, akan dicarikan waktu lain untuk membahas keseluruhan masukan yang telah diberikan oleh fasilitator selama masa pendampingan.
On Thursday, January 5, 2017, took place in Meeting Room of Faculty of Pharmacy Hasanuddin University (FF UH), a meeting to discuss accreditation process of pharmacist and bachelor study programs was held. The meeting was started at 16.00 Wita with agenda were to review accreditation forms that have been corrected by facilitators.
The meeting was attended by most of the lecturers of FF UH and led by Dean of FF UH, Prof. Dr. Gemini Alam, M.Si., Apt. Also attended the meeting were vice deans, head of study programs and accreditation committees.
The meeting was begun by discussing the correction given by facilitators to the accreditation forms of pharmacist study program. As presenter was Nurhasni Hasan. After presentation, the audiences gave opinions or advices against the given correction in order to make better forms of accreditation. There were 7 standards discussed in this meeting i.e. Vision – Mission and Objectives; Organizational Aspects, Leaderships and Management System; Students and Alumni; Human Resources; Curriculum; Facilities, Infrastructures and Funding; and Research and Community Service Activity.
Because of the limited meeting time, at this moment, the meeting only discussed accreditation forms of pharmacist study program. For bachelor forms of accreditation, it will be tried to find another time to discuss the inputs given by the facilitators during accompaniment time.