[:id]RX Silpakorn University Summer Course, Enam Mahasiswi FF Unhas Raih Pengalaman Berharga[:en]RX Silpakorn University Summer Course, Six Students of Faculty of Pharmacy Unhas Get Valuable Experience[:]
[:id]Enam mahasiswi Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Hasanuddin diundang khusus oleh Silpakorn University, Thailand, untuk berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan RX Silpakorn University Summer Course. Kegiatan ini berlangsung sejak tanggal 26 Mei 2019 – 4 Juni 2019. Keenam mahasiswi tersebut adalah Patricia Layadi (angkatan 2017), Kesya M. Toding (angkatan 2016), Sri Harpen Handayani (angkatan 2016), Tiyanda Hanti A. Kusuma (angkatan 2016), Ruqayya (angkatan 2016) dan Regina Rosalina Hidayat (angkatan 2016).
Untuk mendukung keikutsertaan para peserta summer course ini, pihak Universitas Silpakorn menyediakan beasiswa yang meng-cover biaya pendaftaran, konsumsi, dan biaya akomodasi selama peserta berada di Thailand. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memperkaya dan memperluas pengalaman para peserta baik dalam bidang kerja kefarmasian di Thailand sekaligus belajar budaya-budaya di Negeri Gajah Putih itu.

Selama kegiatan, para peserta mengikuti beberapa agenda. Setelah tiba di Universitas Silpakorn, para peserta diterima langsung oleh Dekan Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Silpakorn, Dr. Tanasait Ngawhirunpat. Di hari pertama ini, setelah opening ceremony, agenda selanjutnya adalah Introduction of Summer Course and RxSU oleh Dr. Nattiya Kapol. Setelah itu, para peserta diajak melakukan campus tour dengan mengunjungi fasilitas perpustakaan dan pusat komputer universitas.
Pada tanggal 28 Mei 2019, peserta mendapatkan materi tentang Introduction of Health System in Thailand yang dibawakan oleh Dr. Sineenart Kritchanchai. Setelah itu, peserta diajak mengunjungi dua rumah sakit yaitu Sam Khwai Phueak Health Promoting Hospital dan Nakhon Pathom Hospital. Kunjungan ini bertujuan untuk melihat langsung aplikasi sistem kesehatan yang berlaku di Thailand sekaligus menyaksikan peran vital dari para apoteker di rumah sakit.
Masih di hari yang sama, setelah berkunjung ke rumah sakit, para peserta diajak pula melihat Silpakorn University Business Unit. Unit bisnis yang dikunjungi ada dua yaitu Silpakorn University Community Pharmacy dan Pharmaceutical Intelligence Unit.
Di hari selanjutnya, peserta diajak belajar tentang teknologi farmasi, khususnya di bidang nano-based delivery system. Selain itu, materi lain yang diberikan terkait dengan pharmacy informatics, Thai traditional medicine, dan farmasi rumah sakit.
Salah seorang mahasiswi, Patricia Layadi, sangat senang atas kesempatan yang diberikan ini. Mahasiswi angkatan 2017 ini berkisah tentang pengalamannya berkunjung ke rumah sakit-rumah sakit yang menjadi mitra pendidikan farmasi dari Silpakorn University.
Peserta lainnya, Tiyanda Hanti A. Kusuma, juga menyatakan kebahagiaannya atas keikutsertaannya dalam summer course ini. “The real travelling is travel to the other universities in the world,” ucapnya untuk mencerminkan perasaannya.
[:en]Six students of Faculty of Pharmacy Hasanuddin University were specially invited by Silpakorn University, Thailand, to participate in RX Silpakorn University Summer Course activities. This activity took place from May 26, 2019 – June 4, 2019. The students were Patricia Layadi (class of 2017), Kesya M. Toding (class of 2016), Sri Harpen Handayani (class of 2016), Tiyanda Hanti A. Kusuma (class of 2016) , Ruqayya (class of 2016) and Regina Rosalina Hidayat (class of 2016).
To support the participation of the students and other participants of this summer course, Silpakorn University provided scholarships that cover registration, meals, and accommodation costs during participants were in Thailand. This activity aimed to enrich and broaden the experience of the participants both in the field of pharmacy work in Thailand while learning the cultures possessed by Thailand.

During the activity, the participants followed several agendas. After arriving at Silpakorn University, the participants were welcomed directly by the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy at Silpakorn University, Dr. Tanasait Ngawhirunpat. On this first day, after the opening ceremony, the next agenda was the Introduction of Summer Course and RxSU by Dr. Nattiya Kapol. After that, the participants were invited to conduct a campus tour by visiting the library facilities and university computer center.
On May 28, 2019, the participants received material about Introduction of Health System in Thailand presented by Dr. Sineenart Kritchanchai followed by visiting two hospitals namely Sam Khwai Phueak Health Promoting Hospital and Nakhon Pathom Hospital. This visit aimed to directly see the application of the health system in force in Thailand while at the same time witnessing the vital role of pharmacists in hospitals.
On the same day, after visiting the hospital, the participants were also invited to see the Silpakorn University Business Unit. The two business units visited were Silpakorn University Community Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Intelligence Unit.
The next day, participants were invited to learn about pharmaceutical technology, especially in the field of nano-based delivery systems. In addition, other materials provided related to pharmacy informatics, Thai traditional medicine, and hospital pharmacy.
One of the students, Patricia Layadi, was very pleased with the opportunity given. This 2017 class student told her experience when visiting hospitals that are partners of Silpakorn University to perform pharmaceutical education.
Another participant, Tiyanda Hanti A. Kusuma, also expressed her happiness for participating in this summer course. “The real travel is travel to the other universities in the world,” he said to reflect his feelings.