[:id]Tim dari Fakultas Farmasi Unhas Sampaikan Bantuan Kepada Korban Terdampak Banjir Bandang Luwu Utara[:en]Teams from the Faculty of Pharmacy Unhas Deliver Aid to Victims of the North Luwu Flash Flood[:]
[:id]Bencana alam yang terjadi Masamba, Luwu Utara menuai simpati dari berbagai pihak. Banjir bandang melanda wilayah tersebut pada Senin,(13/07) dan menyebabkan kerusakan bangunan serta korban jiwa dan luka-luka. Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) menyebutkan penyebab banjir tersebut adalah hujan dengan intensitas tinggi selama dua hari berturut-turut. Lantaran hujan yang terjadi secara terus menerus sehingga menyebabkan meluapnya sungai yang membuat akses jalan pun tertutup lumpur.
Pasca banjir bandang ini, Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Hasanuddin pada Jumat (24/7/2020) turut serta memberikan bantuan berupa 8 Jerigen kapasitas 5 Liter, & 8 botol pump 500 mL Handsanitizer. Sumbangan dari fakultas farmasi dibawa langsung oleh relawan dari Farmasi Unhas yang terdiri dari Bem Farmasi Unhas, Dan Unit kegiatan Mahasiswa PRC Unhas serta beberapa alumni profesi apoteker yang turut andil dalam pendistribusian bantuan tersebut.
Adapun tim yang bertugas dan turun langsung dalam mendistribusikan bantuan tersebut terdiri dari :
1. Apt. Zulfikar Syamsi, S.Si
2. Apt. Muh. Awaluddin, S.Si
3. Adhi Putra Bahar
4. Ade Irma Sudirman
5. Rika Astina
Salah satu relawan mengungkapkan kepeduliannya terhadap musibah yang melanda saudara kita di Masamba, Luwu Utara.
“Ini merupakan salah satu bentuk kepedulian kami semua, kami berharap agar masyarakat yang terkena musibah tetap kuat dan mudah mudahan semuanya diberikan kesehatan. Semoga bantuan yang kami salurkan membawa banyak manfaat ” tutur Adi Putra Bahar
Dalam turun langsung di lokasi banjir, para relawan tetap memperhatikan protokol kesehatan seperti menggunakan masker dan menjaga jarak aman mengingat ditengah pandemi Covid 19, meskipun Masamba berada pada zona kuning namun hal tersebut tetap penting.[:en]The natural disaster that occurred in Masamba, North Luwu won sympathy from various parties. Flash floods hit the area on Monday (13/07) and caused damage to buildings as well as casualties and injuries. The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) said the cause of the flooding was rain with high intensity for two consecutive days. Due to the continuous rain that caused the river to overflow, the road access was covered with mud.
After this flash flood, the Hasanuddin University Faculty of Pharmacy on Friday (24/7/2020) also provided assistance in the form of 8 jerry cans with a capacity of 5 liters, & 8 bottles of 500 mL Handsanitizer pump. Donations were brought directly by volunteers from the Unhas Pharmacy which consisted of the Unhas Pharmacy Student Executive, and the Unhas PRC Student Activity Unit and several alumni of the pharmacist profession who took part in the distribution of the aid.
The team in charge of and directly involved in distributing the aid consisted of:
1. Apt. Zulfikar Syamsi, S.Si
2. Apt. Muh. Awaluddin, S.Si
3. Adhi Putra Bahar
4. Ade Irma Sudirman
5. Rika Astina
One of the volunteers expressed his concern for the tragedy that hit our brothers in Masamba, North Luwu.
“This is a form of concern for all of us, we hope that the affected community will remain strong and hopefully all will be given health. Hopefully the assistance we distribute will bring many benefits,” said Adi Putra Bahar.
In going directly to the flood location, volunteers still paid attention to health protocols such as wearing masks and maintaining a safe distance considering that in the midst of the Covid 19 pandemic, even though Masamba is in the yellow zone, this is still important.[:]