Internal Quality Auditing of Faculty of Pharmacy, Hasanuddin University
On Thursday, 9 October 2014, the meeting of Internal Quality Auditing of Faculty of Pharmacy, Hasanuddin University was opened by Prof. Dr. Elly Wahyudin, DEA, Apt (Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy). Prof. Dr. Andi Iqbal, ST., M.Fish.Sc and Dr. Ir. Zulfajri Basri Hasanuddin, M.Eng were auditor assigned by Hasanuddin University to performed Internal Quality Auditing in the Faculty of Pharmacy. They checked the quality control procedures implemented in the Faculty of Pharmacy.
Internal Quality Auditing was performed for two days. In the first day, the auditors investigated the quality control applied by dean and vice deans of faculty of pharmacy. In the second day, they audited the quality control implemented by academic and administration staffs of faculty of pharmacy.