Kimia Farmasi
001, 002 | Biokoimia Kedokteran Dasar Sbh Pendekatan Klinis | Dawn B.Marks | EGC | 2000 |
003, 004 | Biokimia Ed.4 Vol.1 | Lubert Styer | EGC | 2004 |
005, 006 | Biokimia Ed.4 Vol.2 | Lubert Styer | EGC | 2004 |
007, 008 | Biokimia Ed.4 Vol.3 | Lubert Styer | EGC | 2004 |
009, 010 | Resensi Ilmu Laboratorium Klinis | Robert R.Hart | EGC | 2002 |
011, 012 | Biokimia HARPER,Ed.27 (HVS) | Robert K.Murray | EGC | 2009 |
013, 014 | Tinjauan Klinis Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium | Ronald A.Sacher | EGC | 2004 |
015, 016 | Asas-Asas Kimia Medisisnal Ed.4 | Manfred | UGM Press | 1994 |
017, 018 | Biologi Molekuler | Tribowo Yuwono | Erlangga | 2005 |
019, 020, 021 | Buku Ajar Vogel:Kimia Analisis Kuantitatif Anorganik | Dr.A.Hadyana | EGC | 1994 |
022, | Pedoman Pemeriksaan Lab & Diagnostik | Joyce Lefever Kee | EGC | 2008 |
023, 024 | Intisari Biologi | Stephen Bresnick,M.D | Hipokrates | 2002 |
025, 026 | Biokimia Eksperimen Lab.Bag.Biokimia | TIM FK-UI | Widya Medika | 2001 |
027, | Intisari Kimia Farmasi | Donal Caires | EGC | 2000 |
028, | Intisari Fisika | Stephen Bresnick,M.D | Hipokrates | 2002 |
029, 030, 031 | Buku Ajar Radiofarmasi | DR.Nelly Nevita,Apt | EGC | 2008 |
032, 033 | Biokimia Jilid 1 | Soeharsono Martoharsono | UGM Press | 2006 |
034, 035 | Biokimia Jilid 2 | Soeharsono Martoharsono | UGM Press | 2007 |
036, 037 | Buku Saku Klinis | Marc S.Sabatine | EGC | 2004 |
038, 039 | HACCP, Sekilas Pandang | Christos Cassianos | EGC | 2005 |
040, 041 | Biokimia Enzim | Dr.H.Mohamad Sadikin,DSc | Widya Medika | 2002 |
042, 043 | Pengantar Imunoasai Dasar | Indro Handodjo | Airlangga | 2007 |
044, 045 | Biologi Molekuler Kedokteran,AUP | Suhartono Taat Putra | Airlangga Univ.Press | 1999 |
046, 047 | Hormon Kortikosteroid | Dr.dr.Umar Kasan,SPBS | Hipokrates | 1997 |
048, 049, | Atlas Berwarna Biokimia | Jan Koolman | Hipokrates | 1994 |
050, | Europaisches Arznei Buch, Band I Und Band II | H. Bohme | Wissenschajtliche Verslagsgesellschaft mbh Stutgart | 1976 |
K. Hartke | ||||
051, | Teori & Praktek Farmasi Industri. Edisi Ketiga | Leon Lachman,Ph.D, Herbert A. Liebermen,Ph.D, Joseph L.Kaning | UI Press | 1989 |
052, | Colorimetric Methods of Analysis Vol. III A | Foster Dee Snell,Pd.D | D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc. Princeton, New Jersey | 1961 |
Cornelia T. Snell,Ph.D | ||||
053, | Pharmaceutical Analysis Modern Method Part A | James W. Munson | Marcell Dekker,Inc | 1981 |
054, | Who Expert Committee on Spesifications for Pharmaceutical Preparation | WHO | WHO, Geneva | 2006 |
055, | Grundlogen der enzymatischen Analyse | Hans Ulrich Bergmeyer | Verlag Cheinie | 1977 |
056, | Principle Of Food Science Part I Food Chemistry | Owen R Fennema | A.I. Tandjung Food Science | |
057, | Textbook of Organic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry | Charles O. Wilson, Ph.D | J.B Lippincont Company | 1977 |
Ole Gisvold, Ph.D | ||||
Robert F. Doerge, Ph.D | ||||
058, | Aldrich | Aldrich Chemical Company | Aldrich Chemical company | 1992 |
059, | Principles Of Organic Chemistry | James English, Jr | MC GRAW-Hill Book Company, Inc New York | 1961 |
060, | ||||
061, | Handbook of Pharmaceutical Analysis | Lena Ohannesian & Anthony J. Streeter | Marcell Dekker,Inc | 2002 |
062, 063 | Volumetric Analysis II | I.M. Kolthoff & V.A. Stenger | Interscience Publishers.Inc.New York | 1947 |
064, | Volumetric Analysis III | I.M.Kelthof | Interscience Publisher Inc | 1957 |
R. Belcher | New York | |||
065, | Analytical Chemistry | J.G.Dick | Mc.Graw.Hill, Inc | 1973 |
066, | ||||
067, | Quantitative Analysis | V. Alexegev | MIR Publishers | 1979 |
068, | Organic Chemistry | ED.F.Degering,Ph.D | The Barnes Noble Books | 1965 |
069, | Analisis Farmasi | Herman J.Roth & Gottfried Blaschke | Gadjah Mada University Press | 1985 |
070, | Organic Chemistry, edisi ketiga | C.W. Wood, dkk | Butterworth & co. limited | 1968 |
071, | Kleine teststreifen – fibel | B. Benzer | Boeringer Mannheim Gmbh, Mannheim | 1977 |
Dr. H. Fleischer | ||||
072, | The Biochemical Basic of Neuropharmacology. Fourth Edition. | Jack R. Cooper, Ph.D | Oxford University Press, Inc | 1982 |
Floyd E. Bloom, Ph.D | ||||
Robert H. Roth, Ph.D | ||||
073, | Introductory Organic Chemistry | Wertheim and Jeskey | McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc | 1956 |
074, | Organic Chemistry Vol. 2 | I.L. Finar | Longman Group Limited | 1975 |
075, | Chemistry Principles and Structure | James E. Braddy and Sottery | ||
076, | The Cell A Molecular Approach. Second Edition | Geoffrey M. Cooper | ASM Press Washington DC | |
077, | Chemica – Biochemica | Fluka | Fluka Chemie AG, Buchs | 1988 |
078, | Wilson and Gisvolds Textbook of Organic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry | Jaime N. Delgado | J.B. Lippincott Company | 1954 |
William A. Remers | ||||
079, | Central Scientific Educational Catalog | Cenco | Central Scientific Company, a Division of Cenco Incorporated | |
080, | Instruments For Researce Industry an Education | Cole – Parmer | Cole Parmer Instrumen Company | 1992 |
081, | Chemistry Equipment Catalog | CENCO | Central Scientific Company, a Division of Cenco Incorporated | |
082, | USP, 1 Supplement | USP | U.S. Pharmacopeia | 2006 |
083, | Science Curiculum Catalog | CENCO | Central Scientific Company, a Division of Cenco Incorporated | |
084, | Equipment and Supplies for Clinical, Industrial, Educational, and Research Laboratories | Scientific Product Division of American Hospital Supply Corporation | 1972 | |
085, | Modern Microcrystal Test For Drugs | Charles C. Fulton | John Wiley & Sons, Inc | 1969 |
086, | Pharmaceutical Analysis | David G. Watson | Churehill Livingstone | 1999 |
087, | Principle of Medicinal Chemistry | William O. Foye | Lea & Febiger Philadelpia | 1981 |
088, | Drug Of Choice 1972-1973 | Walter Modell | The C.V. Mosby Company | 1972 |
089, | Rodds Chemistry of Carbon Compound | S. Coffey | Elsevier Publishing Company | 1970 |
090, | Practical Organic Chemistry Fourth edition | Mann and Saunders | Western Printing Service LTD Bristol | |
091, | Qualitative Analysis and Chemical Equilibrium | T.R. Hogness | United State Of America | 1954 |
092, | Immunopharmacology | Marvin E. Rosenthale, Ph.D, Herbert C. Mansmann, Jr.,M.D | Spectrum Publications, INC | 1975 |
093, | Analisa Kimia Kuantitatif | R.A. Day Jr & A.L. Underwood | Erlangga | 1980 |
094, | Rancangan Obat | Sardjoko | UGM Press | |
095, | Isolasi, Purifikasi, dan Karakterisasi Enzim | A,Aziz Darwis & E.Sukara | Depdikbud, Dirjen Pendidikan Tinggi Pusat antar Universitas Bioteknologi IPB | |
096, | Peristilahan Kimia dan Farmasi | Universitas ITB | Penerbit Universitas ITB | 1976 |
097, | Modern Theories Of Organic Chemistry | H.B. Watson D.Se | Oxford University press | 1949 |
098, | Scientific Appartus Chemicals Furniture | Scichemco Adolf Frese | Allied Scientific of Virginia, Inc | 1979 |
099, | Apparatus, Chemical, and Supplies for Industrial, Clinical, College and Government Laboratories | Fisher Scientific Company | Fisher Scientific Company | 1978 |
100 | Principles Of biochemistry sixth edition | Abraham White Philiph Handlec | Mc. Graw – Hill, Kogakusha, LTD | 1978 |
Emil L. Smith | ||||
Robert L. Hill | ||||
I.Robert Lehman | ||||
101 | Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Human and Environmental Samples | Morton Beroza | Research Triangle Park. North Carolina | 1977 |
102 | Colorimetric Methods of Analysis Vol. IIA | Foster Dee Snell,Cornelia T. Snel | D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc Princeton, New Jersey | 1959 |
103 | The Basic of Medical Chemistry | Manfred E. Wolff | A Wiley Interscience Publication | |
104 | Text Book Of Biochemistry | Edward Staunton west, Ph.D | The Macmillan Company, New York | 1957 |
Wilbert R Todd, Ph. D | ||||
105 | British National Formulary No.20 | C.F. George, Bsc, MD, FRCP | British Medical Association and The Royal Pharmaceutical Society . | 1990 |
106 | ||||
107 | Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis | Galen W. Ewing | Mc Graw-Hill Book Company, Inc | 1985 |
108 | Principles of Organic Chemistry | James English Jr & Harold G. Cassidy | Mc Grow-Hill Book Company, Inc | 1961 |
109 | Mathematik fur Chemike | H.G. Zachmann | Verlag Chemie | 1977 |
110 | Principles and Practice Of Spectro chemical Analysis | Norman H. Nachtrieb | MeGraw – Hill Book Company. Inc | 1950 |
111 | Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater | M.C. Rand WPCF | American Public Health Association | 1976 |
112 | Selected organic Synteses A guidebook For Organic Chemistry | Ian Fleming | A wiley – Interscience Publication | 1978 |
113 | Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure | Gerhard Herzberg, F.R.S.C. | D. Van Nostrand Company | 1945 |
114 | Quantitative Analysis | V. Alexeyev | MIR Publishers | 1979 |
115 | Calculation Of analytical Chemistry | Ieicester F. Hamiltom, S.B. | MeGraw –Hill Book Company, Inc | 1960 |
116 | Instrumental methods Of Chemical Analysis | Galen W. Ewing | MeGraw – Hill Book Company | 1960 |
117 | Dasar Analisis Tegangan | MJ Iremanger | UI Press | |
118 | Metode Numerik Untuk Teknik | Steven C. Chopra & Raymond P. Canale | UI – Press | 1991 |
119 | Fisika Lingkungan | J.F.Gabriel | Hipokrates | 2001 |
120, 121 | Bahaya Bahan Kimia Pada Kesehatan Manusia & Lingkungan | Palupi Widyastuti | EGC | 2006 |
122, 123 | Praktik Sistem Manajemen Laboratorium | Charles J.P.Siregar | EGC | 2007 |
124 | Review of Physiological Chemistry | Harper, Harold | Lange Medical Publication | 1969 |
125 | Recombinant DNA Methodology | Jo-Anne R. Dillon | John Wiley & Sons, Inc | 1985 |
Anwar Nasium | ||||
Earle R. Nestmann | ||||
126 | Quantitative Analysis. Third Edition | R.A. Day Jr & A.L. Underwood | Prentice Hill,Inc | 1974 |
127 | Food Chemistry | Lilian Hoagland Meyer | The AVI Publishing Company,Inc | 1978 |
128 | Teori dan Praktek Pengendalian Biologis | C.B. Huffaker | Universitas Indonesia Press | 1989 |
P.S. Mesenger | ||||
129 | Kimia Anorganik Dasar | Cotton, Wilkinson | UI Press | 1989 |
130 | Teori dan Praktek Pengendalian Biologis | C.B. Huffaker | Universitas Indonesia Press | 1989 |
P.S. Mesenger | ||||
131 | The Technology of Food preservation edisi IV | Desrosier Norman | AVI Publishing Company | 1977 |
132 | Arzneimitteistabilitat | Karl Thoma | Frankfurt Ain Main | 1978 |
133 | The Design of Organic Syntheses | Turner Stephen | Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company | 1976 |
134 | Analisis Dampak Lingkungan | Otto Soemarwoto | UGM Press | 1989 |
135 | In Biochemistry and moleculer Biology 1 | T. Chard | Elsevier Biomedical Press Amsterdam | 1982 |
136 | The Chemistry and technology of Enzymes | Tauger Henry | John Wiley & Sons, Inc | 1950 |
137 | Synthetica Merck Reagenzien for Die Organische Synthese. Band I | R. Jonas | E. Merck AG. Darmstadt | 1969 |
R. Pholke | ||||
G. Scitz | ||||
R. Unger | ||||
138 | Synthetica Merck Reagenzien for Die Organische Synthese. Band II | R. Jonas | E. Merck AG. Darmstadt | 1974 |
R. Pholke | ||||
G. Scitz | ||||
R. Unger | ||||
139 | ||||
140 | Some Modern Methods or Organic Synthesis Edisi 3 | Carruthers W | Camridge University Press | 1986 |
141 | An Introduction to Practical Biochemistry | David T Plummer | McGraw-Hill Publishing Company LTD | 1989 |
142 | Organics Chemistry | Briscoe, Herman | Indiana University | 1959 |
143 | Enzim dan Bioteknologi | Maggy T. Suhartono | Depdikbud Dikti IPB | 1989 |
144 | An Introductory Course in Practical Organic Chemistry | Sharp, Gunstone | Methuend and CO.LTD | 1970 |
145 | The Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds | Ralph L. Shriner | John Wiley & Sons, Inc | 1956 |
146 | Teknik Laboratorium untuk Bidang Biologi & Kimia | Muhammad Anwar | Depdikbud IPB | 1989 |
Herastuti | ||||
Hendra Adijuwana | ||||
147 | Peristilahan Kimia dan Farmasi | A. Marston | Penerbit ITB Bandung | 1984 |
148, 149,150 | Analisis Kuantitatif Obat | Sudjadi Abd.Rohman,M.Si,Apt | UGM Press | 2008 |
151 | THOMAS (Scientific Apparatus and Reagen) | |||
152 | Modern Theories Of Organic Chemistry | H.B. Watson D.Se | Oxford University press | 1949 |
153 | The Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds | |||
154 | Text Book Of Macro and Semimicro Qualitative Inorganic Analysis | |||
155, 156 | Dasar-dasar biokimia | Lehninger | ||
157, 158 | Pharmaceutical Analysis | |||
159 | Rodds Chemistry of Carbon Compound | |||
160 | Gambar Kristal | |||
161 | Macro and Semimicro Qualitative Inorganics Analysis | |||
162 | Vogel Buku Teks Analisis Anorganik | |||
163 | Penuntun Laboratorium Klinik | R. Gandasoebrata | ||
164 | Electronic effect and their application | |||
165 | General Biochemistry | Joseph S. Fruton | Wiley & Sons Inc.London | 1954 |
166 | Rogers’ Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry | Taito O. Soine, Ph.D, Charles O. Wilson, Ph.D | Lea & Febiger Philadelpia | 1967 |
167 | Ilmu Kimia Analitik Dasar | W. Harjadi | PT. Gramedia, Jakarta | 1986 |
168, 169 | Identifikasi Obat | Auterhoff, Kovar | Penerbit ITB Bandung | 1987 |
170, 171 | The Organic Chemistry Of Drug Synthesis, vol. 2 | Daniel Lednicer, Lester A. Mitscher | John Wiley & Sons, Inc | 1980 |
172, 173 | The Organic Chemistry Of Drug Synthesis, vol. 3 | Daniel Lednicer, Lester A. Mitscher | John Wiley & Sons, Inc | 1984 |
174 | The Chemistry Of Carbonyl Compounds | C. David Gutsche | Prentice Hall of India | 1975 |
175 | Physical Chemistry Of Metals | Darken, Gurry | McGraw Hill Book | 1953 |
176 | Principles and Problems in Phisical Chemistry For Biochemistry | Nicholas C. Price, Raymond A. Dwek | Clarendon Press | 1982 |
177 | Inleiding Tot De Physische Chemie | H.R. Kryut, J.Th.G.Overbeek | H.J. Paris Amsterdam | 1954 |
178 | Cara Kromatografi Preparatif | K. Hostettmann, M. Hostettmann | Penerbit ITB Bandung | |
179 | Problems For General Chemistry & Qualitative Analysis | C.J. Nyman & G.B. King | John Wiley & Sons, Inc | 1975 |
180 | Pereaksi KLT | DRS. R. Bambang Sutrisno | Farmasi Universitas Pancasila | 1993 |
181 | QSAR: Hansch Analysis and Related Approaches | Hugo Kubingi | VCH | |
182 | The Analysis Of Detergent and Detergent Product | G.F. Longman | A Wiley – Interscience Publication | |
183 | Pharmaceutical Chemistry | Cristine M. Bladon | John Wiley & Sons, LTD | 2002 |
184 | Review Of Organic Functional Groups | Thomas L. Lemke, PhD | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 2003 |
185, 186 | Reviews in Computational Chemistry, Vol. 23 | Kenny B. Lipkowitz, Thomas R. Cundari | John Wiley & Sons, Inc | 2007 |
187 | strategies For Organic Drug Synthesis and Design | Daniel Lednicer | John Wiley & Sons, Inc | 2009 |
188 | Enzyme Chemistry impact and Applications | Colin J. Suckling | Chapman and Hall | 1984 |
189 | Penentuan Struktur Senyawa Organik | Drs. Sudjadi M.S.Apt | Ghalia Indonesia | |
190 | Analisis Makanan,UGM | Sudjadi Abd.Rohman,M.Si,Apt | UGM Press | 2007 |
191, 192, 193 | Diagnostic and Laboratory Test Reference, edisi VIII | Pagana Deska, Etal | Mosby Elsevier | |
194 | Science & Education | OSK | Sumitono Corporation Ogawa Seiki, Co.Ltd | |
195 | Deutsches Arzneimittel – codex | Deutscher Apotheker – verlag | Govi – Frankfurt | |
196 | Physical Chemistry, Fourth edition | H.L.Heys | Harrap London | 1970 |
197 | Cara-cara Optik Dalam Analisis Kimia | Laboratorium Kimia Farmasi | Fakultas Farmasi Unhas | |
198 | Physical Pharmacy | Alfred Martin, James Swartrick and Arthur Cammarata | Lea & Febiger Philadelpia | 1983 |
199 | Biosynthesis Of Macromolecules, Second Edition | Vernon M.Ingram | W.A. Benjamin, Inc, California | 1972 |
200 | Stereochemistry Of Carbon Compound | Ernest L. Eliel | McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc | 1962 |
201 | Short-Course Pharmacochemistry | Fakultas Farmasi UGM | UGM Press | 1986 |
202 | Experimental Techniques In Biochemistry | J.M. Brewer | Prentice-Hall, Inc, New Jersey | |
203 | Complexometric Titrations, Chapter IV From A Text Book Of Quantitative Inorganik Analysis | Arthur I. Vogel | ||
204 | A Text-book of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis | Arthur I. Vogel | ||
205 | Strength of Materials “Elementary Theory And Problems | S. Timoshenko | D. Van Nostrand Company | 1995 |
206 | Konsep Dasar Kimia Analitik | S. M. Khopkar | UI Press | 1990 |
207 | General Chemistry | N. Glinka | Foreign Languanges Publishing House | 1958 |
208 | Bioenergetics : The molecular Basis of Biological Energy Transformations | Albert L. Lehninger | W.A. Benjamin, Inc | 1965 |
209 | Qualitative Arzneimittel Analyse | Multlemann | UGM Cabang Semarang | 1961 |
210 | Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry | Dudley H. Williams-Ian Flemming | McGraw-Hill Book Company | 1973 |
211 | A Text-book of Quantitative Inorganic Chemistry | I. M. Kolthoff and E.B. Sandell | Mc. Millan Company | 1952 |
212 | Volumetric Analysis III | I. M. Kolthoff and R. Belcher | Interscience Publisher, Inc | 1957 |
213 | Mosby’s Diagnostic and Laboratory Test Reference 9th Ed. | Kathleen D Pagana, Timothy J Pagana | Mosby Elsevier, St. Louis Missouri | 2009 |
214 | Pretest-Biochemistry and Genetics | Golder N Wilson | McGraw Hill Medical | 2010 |
215 | Pocket Guide to Diagnostic Tests 5th Edition | Diana Nicoll, et al | McGraw Hill Medical | 2008 |
216 | A Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests 8th Ed | Frances Fiscbach, Marshall B. Dunning | Wolter Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 2009 |
217 | Interpretation of Diagnostic Test 8th Edition | Jacques Wallach | Wolter Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 2009 |
218 | Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking + CD | Lynn S. Bickley | Wolter Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 2009 |
219 | Marks’ Basic Medical Biochemistry A Clinical Approach 3th Ed. | Michael Lieberman, Allan D. Marks | Wolter Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 2009 |
220 | Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Physiology A Problem-Based Approach 4th Ed. | Halperin, Kamel & Goldstein | Saunders Elsevier | 2010 |
221 | Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry 28th Ed. | Robert K Murray, et al | McGraw Hill Medical | 2009 |
222 | Tietz Fundamental of Clinical Chemistry 6th Ed. | Carl. A. Burtis, et al | Saunders Elsevier | 2008 |
223 | Clinical Chemistry Techniques, Principles, Correlations 6th Ed. | Michael Bishop, Edward P. Fody, Larry E. Schoeff | Wolter Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 2010 |
224 | Principles of Medical Biochemistry 2nd Ed. | Gerhard Meisenberg, William H. Simmons | Mosby Elsevier, St. Louis Missouri | 2006 |
225 | Henry’s Clinical Diagnosis and management by Laboratory Methods 21st Ed. | Richard A McPherson, Matthew R. Pincus | Saunders Elsevier | 2007 |