Pre-completion Exit Exam for Students of Pharmacist Study Program
On January 19 2015, Pharmacist Study Program of Faculty of Pharmacy, Hasanuddin University just conducted pre-completion exit exam for the program’s students who want to have final comprehensively exam at the end of this month. This pre-completion exit exam was followed by 149 students and was conducted at Faculty of Pharmacy building.
“The exam is performed to be a preparation (before the final exam, red),” says Usmar, S.Si., M.Si., Apt as the secretary of the program.
After being evaluated, the results of this exam will then be the basis to determine whether or not the students can go further to have the final exam. Whoever passes this pre-completion exam will have the right to join the final stage. However, whoever fails, he/she has to undergo remedial exam before going to the final test.